there are certain words that after a while, aren't funny anymore. weiner is not one of them. what to say? ask a burning question, get a burning answer. i'm a girl that does stuff and things on a regular basis. i have also been known to do this, that, and the other thing, frequently. a verbal nail gun. savvy by growth. pensive by experience. willing by nature. tomatoes weird me out, i think they are evil, but i like everything that's made of them. monkeys make me happy. ignorance disgusts me. stupidity bores me. i won't talk politics if you're drunk, it's pointless. i'm first generation irish-american. i like when desserts involve fire. i stop dead in my tracks when rocket queen is playing. my earrings never match, neither do my socks. i do at least 1 crossword puzzle a day. i think the person who named the animals was spot on. i do not trust naturally blonde men. i have 3 times more song lyrics stored in my brain than the average bear. i walk real fast. i love driving, but hate people that can't drive. it's taken me nearly 30 years, but i can now cook a proper steak dinner. i lay in bed and read 'til i realize i am only using 1 eye. i am afraid of midgets. i think they are sneaky and responsible for petty theft. i come with accessories. i love a dancefloor and good company. i am a four on the floor barroom rock n roll kinda gal. i get mysterious bruises of unknown origin. i can't think of anything i like more than traveling. i like a good rant. i'm a real good speller. i know about watched pots. i have knots yet to be untied. my CDs are alphabetized, my DVDs are not. my dog's smushface makes me smile. other than that, i am an easy going shoe whore that's not afraid of ghetto bamboo earrings.
you can also find me here: or at
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