medicine (esp. veterinary). the NY Knicks (i know they suck). new ways to entertain myself. controversial cartoon shows. shoes. makeup. clothes. (I'm a girl, deal with it or shut up.) an easy way to quit smoking. finding the cure for ignorance.
Here are some guidelines:DO's: be genuine. be nice. have love in your heart. be giving. be forgiving. be unselfish. be the person you are, not the person you think is cooler. have compassion. have empathy. have sympathy. have faith in what matters. have a brain. have common sense. know what is really important in life. be loyal. be faithful. be generous. be passionate. have goals. READ. at least, be literate. have some fun with your life. be adventurous. look deeper than the surface. be willing to live up to your potential. allow others to do the same. appreciate the good in everything. have reasons for your actions. accept the consequences you create. play. think. laugh. make me laugh. be human.DON'Ts: cheat. lie. steal. murder. maim. destroy. be cute in the bad way. be evil. be lazy. betray another person's trust, EVER. judge a book by its cover. be stupid. be ignorant. be intolerant. deny what you really feel inside. abuse animals. abuse people. abuse any living thing, at any time, in any way. be paranoid. think f**king anything that gives you the time of day is worth it, will make you feel better, or look cooler - it just makes you dirty and increases your chances of getting an STD, moron. **talk shit about people you don't even know.** try and act black/puerto rican/dominican/any other ethnicity if you aren't - you just look stupid. act ghetto if you grew up in the mean streets of the 'burbs and don't really KNOW ghetto - ditto previous and its annoying. try and take whats mine without asking even if you just want to "borrow" it for a while (that's tomato soup for you). mess with other people's lives. listen to people who don't really know what they're talking about. be so serious. underestimate me.BONUS POINTS if you: know how to spell words like sporadic, copasetic, and irrational. know what these words mean. use them in your regular vocabulary. don't look at me questionably when I use them. love animals as deeply as I do. aren't embarassed by your emotions.Wanna post a comment? Do it here:..
live in comic books and fairy tales. I'm from Brooklyn:Um, NO... this is NOT me as a child... (But I see your point!)WELCOME TO MY HIGH SCHOOL DAYS:
You have a sexual IQ of 144
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