brown rice pasta in the shape of planes, trains, automobiles, dinasores and bunnies, YAY!
trees and chai tea. rocks are good for climbing/walking/sitting/smoking.
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV!!!!!!
Currently discovering the awesomeness of COCOROSIE. Fiona Apple defines beauty. Joanna Newsom is close behind. I will always secretly be a huge fan of Andrew McMahon's music. If I could only listen to one band for the rest of my life it would be Radiohead. Bjork's "Homogenic" is my favorite album. My boyfriend's band is Pidgeon and they are AMAZING. Crass, Pinback, Nina Simone, Portishead, The Cardigans, Jack's Mannequin, Tori Amos, The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Arkade Fire, Dresdon Dolls, The Breeders, Pixies, Zero 7, Dido, Frou Frou, Sneaker Pimps (la la la), A Tribe Called Quest, Lyrics Born, Beck
Spider Kills Bat
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I idolize the mother daughter relationship of Rory and Loraly on "The Gilmore Girls." I always feel better after watching one of their episodes.
currently reading ALL MEN ARE MAD by Philippe Thoby-Marcelin and Pierre Marcelin.
The Giving Tree. The Great Gatsby.
I used to read all the time when I was younger. I would get so into them that it would seem to alter my reality. Of course they weren't very profound books. Anne of Green Gables was about as profound as I got in middle school, and in high school I read Girl, Interrupted, which was good but not necessarily a classic.
SOMEONE SUGGEST A BOOK! preferably one that you read and then told everyone "it changed my life." i like those kind.