Hi!!! I am Sean Campbell in Oakville, Ontario, Canada:). I sing and play guitar and I like writing songs and recording them. I like to put them up on this myspace!!! I turned 16 on June 19, 2007 and have been playing guitar since grade 6 writing songs and singing all the time since then. I started getting serious in early 2006, mid grade 9 year when I was in a band called wfym. I always loved music and loved playing and being in that band gave me so much to look forward to and it inspired me to continue playing, even once we broke up. I am always looking for oppertunaties to play shows either with bands or other solo artists aslong as we support each other and play good shows. If you're interested in playing a show with me or recording me or what ever, just message me and I will get back to you. Thank you. add my other myspace www.myspace.com/rock_rap_sean/ its just a regular one and tell your friends about my music as i try 2 get heard and supported in this amazing musical scene. Once again, thanx.
p.s. im now in a band called fatal finish where i play guitar and do backup vocals so i wont be able to update this myspace with new songs all the time as i will be busy with the band but i will still continue to play acoustic songs and when i have a few new ones done i will post them up as much as possible, thanks:)
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