aidil profile picture


if it ain't dumb, it ain't rock n roll!

About Me

power pop and film geeks unite!

My Interests

making music, making you smile, wannabe film critic, wannabe filmmaker

I'd like to meet:

1. geeky minds trapped in the body of game show hostesses
2. girls with nice armpits
3. mary elizabeth winstead (a lookalike is also fine... hehehe)
Wow kids, I now have a new comedy hero, and his name is Buffalax! Watch his youtube videos below, and weep with laughter! NOTE: He's not translating the songs, but putting in subtitles as if the words were sung in English:

"Crazy Indian Video... Buffalaxed!"

"Saint Transformer... Buffalaxed!"

"Indian Thriller With English Lyrics!"


The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Brian Wilson, Big Star, The Raspberries, The Who, The Zombies, Cheap Trick, Enuff Z'nuff, The Shazam, The Rooks, Daryll-Ann, The Nerves, The Beat, The Spongetones, The Rubinoos, The Knack, The Muffs, Cotton Mather, Guided By Voices, Weezer, Snug, Cherry Twister, Myracle Brah, Jason Falkner, Jellyfish, The Grays, The Posies, Mark Bacino, The Wondermints, Baby Lemonade, The Vandalias, The Greenberry Woods, Splitsville, Elliott Smith, Fountains of Wayne, Ivy, BMX Bandits, The Pearlfishers, Teenage Fanclub, The Detroit Cobras, Brendan Benson, The Waking Hours, Love, Fuzzbubble, Linus Of Hollywood, The Heavy Blinkers, Tsar, The 88, Wisely, True Love, Locksley, Everybody Else, Hilly Michaels.


City Lights, Shadows, Faces, Husbands, Love Streams, Breaking The Waves, Apur Sansar, Les Quatre Cents Coups, Rushmore, Tokyo Story, Heaven Can Wait, Sullivan's Travels, The Awful Truth, It Happened One Night, Trouble In Paradise, The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek, The Life And Death of Colonel Blimp, I Know Where I'm Going!, It's A Wonderful Life, French Cancan, Magnolia, The Circus, The Kid, A King In New York, Limelight, A Woman Under The Influence, Minnie And Moskowitz, Vivre Sa Vie, A Bout De Souffle, Mikey And Nicky, Atlantic City, Gloria, La Regle Du Jeu, La Belle Et La Bete, Shock Corridor, The Naked Kiss, Pickup On South Street, Forty Guns, Gun Crazy, Bad Boy Bubby, Sunrise, Mon Oncle, Tokyo Drifter, Strangers On A Train, Rebel Without A Cause, Johnny Guitar, Love In The Afternoon, Kiss Me Stupid, Night Of The Hunter, Being There, The Last Detail, Harold And Maude, Imitation Of Life, All That Heaven Allows, Far From Heaven, American Movie, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang, Lilya 4-Ever, The Fury.


Firefly, The Kingdom, King Of The Hill


The Films of John Cassavetes - Pragmatism, Modernism & the Movies, Cassavetes on Cassavetes, John Cassavetes Lifeworks, Jean Renoir - My Life and My Films, Godard on Godard, Emperor Of The Air, Being There.


John Cassavetes, Charles Chaplin, Brian Wilson, The Beatles, Samuel Fuller, Ernst Lubitsch, Preston Sturges, Brian De Palma.