Mikhail profile picture


You might be an Engineer if... you have no life and can prove it mathematically.

About Me

Down to earth sort of malay guy, into tunes. Played in a band, was a longstanding Engineering student in Uniten, but now am a coolie for an oil and gas company. Fun I suppose. Make your own mind up about me.http://miasmainparadise.blogspot.com

My Interests

Guitars, Music, Computers, PDAs, Geek gadget stuff, Home-made bombs. (Wonder if I'll get in trouble for the last one!)

I'd like to meet:



Mine, Queen, The Beatles, A whole lot of R&B stuff. Cher. LOL!


Armageddon, Braveheart, Eurotrip, assorted pornographic material (Long live Jenna Jameson!), Anime of all sorts, and shit like that.


Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, Douglas Adam's Guide to the Galaxy Series, Terry Pratchet's Discworld, and those old make your own adventure books! (Does anyone even remember them nowadays? LOL!)