Video Gaming a ton- hierachy of genres is action/adventure, rpg, fps & tps, not so many rts or racing and less sports games. For a detailed list, please read my profile & visit however i do like fighting games like dynasty warriors. Lu Bu- is totally hot. Not as much as Kratos but they surpassed my longstanding Link fav of many years- gotta apologize to my boyfriend Miyamoto for that, but i guess it was a 7 year itch thing.
And by meet- i mean sit, chat & shoot the breeze for a while. Carl Sagan, Lowtax, Jon Stewart, Johnny Depp (ok- maybe not a ton of chatting there), i'll add more later- i am not running on all cylinders yet. Been working a bunch. So I'll end it on a nice drift off to sleep thought on that final note)
lots of it usually i am really terrible at knowing the names of bands & singers and my taste varies alot depending on mood or what mood i wanna be in- but off the top of my head- Bela Bartok for a contemporary & Tchaikovsky's overture 1812 my fav classicals. Portishead, Morcheba, Tribe Called Quest, Aphex Twin, garage band techno- of whose band names i have never known, E 40, Snoop,TI, Paul Wall, Yin Yang Twins, When i am on a road trip or feeling a bit like a Jamie Pressly character, Kidd Rock, the incomparable Prince, of course, NIN. etc etc oh but i also really like meditation or ambient music oh and music from the 40s. I have these & more as presets on my xm radio plus the comedy station & a few news channels. I loves my XM alot... its also helping a baby bit with knowing the names of bands
way more than I will list but I like fantasy (not THAt kind! but- like LOTR, Labyrinth, City of Lost Children or Potter) action/adventure (all Bonds, and truly a bazillion that are not a collection like Ronin, Transporter, Bournes, Italian Job, MIs), martial arts (tons from enter the dragon & kurasawa to hero & house of flying daggers) and a buttload of foreign films(Le Grande Bleu, Crimson Rivers, Le Pacte des Loups, Leon). quite a few Sci-Fi (all Dunes, Star Wars etc) 5th element, a couple of epics like Lawrence of Arabia, Braveheart, & Gladiator, a few dramas like Tess, Prince of Tides, and Sophie's Choice, Hmmm not a ton of comedies- but off the top of my head- Big Lebowski, Harold & Kumar GTWC, The Thin Man series, Will Ferrell films. So that is what makes up 90% of my library but I do have a few girly films that I absolutely love : ...The original 1947 Jean Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast, Chocolat, Princess Bride, Amalie, My Fair Lady, Notebook, French Kiss, oh also almost anything on the TCM channel the usual classics like Casablanca etc
it goes in phases. Sometimes not much at all. Then other times- Battlestar Gallactica, Star Treks all of em- ok less on the janeways, BBC comedies & House ( very dry humor). Adult Swim, TCM, Discovery Channel and almost anything HD. Oh & if i dont get my news from NPR or Digg or Fark, I like to get my newsfrom comedians- because I am often not up for the depression of the usual sources- I enjoy watching Jon Stewart & the Colbert Repor because even though I am perfectly aware that it is slanted- what news isn't and at least it is funny & if I hear something I really want to know about more in depthly - i'll go from there. But dang they are funny.
le petit prince & really old books with leather bindings.... people- i was kidding about liking pretty books. I mean i do like them but i also enjoy reading. Almost anything on Comparative religion, Philosophy, Ancient Civilizations especialy in how often their scientific & various areas of knowledge surpassed ours today. Classic English Lit & Poetry. I had a crush on Byron & Shelley for years... ok- i still do. I also like reading books in other languages particularly French and Latin. Funniest experience with that was while on a modeling contract in Seoul, I found a copy of "Like Water For Chocolate" in Korean, would translate it into English and then from there into French for the other models. It took a while, but it was funny because the Amercian girls would start gushing or reacting and the French ones were like " Quoi Quoi! Dites Moi! "
people who can live contently through their lifelong pursued but unrealized dreams with what the world normally considers mundane circumstances. And Christopher Sabat, of course...