ONLINE NOW...a new, growing, and unique social network JUST for video gamers like you and I...JOIN TODAY!
Launched August 2007
Check out our Development Blog here, or use the RSS Feed!
YOU and all your video gaming friends!
Join the gathering of a worldwide community of people that love to game. No matter the hardware or the software, we have developed an online community unlike any other, that invites video gamers to unite. Once you're there, help us spread the word and let's grow this place together.
Welcome to
We've developed a community unlike any other and we want you to join us! Hurry...everyone is waiting for you to setup your own free profile! Check out and setup your own free profile today.
Here's your chance to develop your own website for what you love the games! Setup a look that fits your gaming style, drop some photos in your own PHOTO GALLERY, upload your own videos into your own VIDEO GALLERY, invite your friends to have them on your FRIENDS LIST, join our ELITE SQUAD, post and rank your own STORIES, REVIEWS, STRATEGIES, or whatever...and while you at it, feel free to share your GAMERTAGS with friends or personally COMMENT on and with the entire community...check this out everyone!
No matter what system you rock on or what games you like, there's a place for you in
The Gathering of Gamers ! Let's establish a worldwide community of gamers...
See you there,