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Welcome toThe OFFICIAL Andrew Kiss Myspace Page

About Me

I have 26 years under my belt, and looking forward to the next 75. I'm the kind of person that will try anything once, and am never on to sit on the sidelines. My family and friends play a huge part of my life! I am a senior operations manager for The Cheesecake Factory, which kicks ass! I have the pleasure of working with tons of incredible people. I believe in going through life happy. These are a few things that I think make the world better: Chinatown neckties, really good beer, traveling, people that quote movies, Primanti's sandwiches, waterproof anything, funny movies, roller coasters, giant jaw-breakers (the candy, not that dude that kicked your ass), fine watches, live music, rubberband balls, GPS, retractable ink pens, Great coffee, the Spork, etc .

My Interests

Me, My Camera, and the World,

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting


Coldplay, Jack Johnson, Guster, Matisyahu, Wallflowers, R.E.M., Train, Stroke 9, Linkin Park, Barenaked Ladies, Rascel Flatts, Live, James Blunt, Kelly Clarkson, Snow Patrol, Johnny Cash, U2, Green Day, Dido, Korn, Tom Petty, Weetus, Modest Mouse, RadioHead, I actually like everything, but these are bands that came to my head.


Austin Powers, Elf, Office Space, Spies Like Us, The Animal, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Indiana Jones (all of them), Dave, The Rock, The Hunt for Red October, Waiting, Meet the parents, PCU, Tommy Boy, The Shawshank Redemption, Seven, Boondock saints, 40 year-Old Virgin, Black Sheep, The Godfather, Finding Nemo, U-571, Ocean's eleven, Starsky and Hutch,Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Scary Movie, Cannonball, What about Bob, Uncle Buck, Shooter, Knocked up, Superbad, Labrynth ...


Check out my blog to watch the "Chef Andrew" segment.The Office, Heros, Macgyver, Sopranos, documentories, SNL, Quantumn Leap, Twilight Zone, The Sipmsons, The Family Guy, Ghost Hunters, South Park, LOST


My Friends and Family

My Blog

Don’t drink in a state Park!

Hello Blog Readers. I am not one to offer advice on any subject, but after a run in with the law I feel compelled to do so.  It's easy...don't take alcohol into a state park.  Yeah, ri...
Posted by Andrew on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:47:00 PST

DogFish Head 120 Minute

Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA It's that beer that when you order it, the bartender without hesitation says, "are you sure, have you had it before?" Once you tried it, you'll understand why. Dogfish...
Posted by Andrew on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 11:00:00 PST

"Live with Chef Andrew"

..TR>   "LIVE with Chef Andrew" Have you ever found yourself on the internet while looking for a recipe? It's amazing what you find when you Google. This is from a live segment on the Pittsburg...
Posted by Andrew on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 10:21:00 PST

What I’ve been up to...

What I’ve been up to... In an effort not to become part of my couch, and with the motivation of some freinds (including the skeptics) I’ve set a goal to compete in the Ironman Triathlon&nb...
Posted by Andrew on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 06:52:00 PST


Dog Culture Dog owners this will come to no surprise to you; to all of you that lack K9 buddies there is a whole other culture that you're not privy too!  Let me start by saying that I do not hav...
Posted by Andrew on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:19:00 PST

"Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handy

Deep Thoughs by Jack Handy If you ever watched SNL you may remember these: "One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to ...
Posted by Andrew on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 03:39:00 PST

Paranormal investigation sites

Of the original 3 sites selected for Thursday's expedition Snyder's Cemetery was the only one that managed to produce the enexplainable.  The location known as Circus Town was a short lived visit...
Posted by Andrew on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:45:00 PST

Thursda’s Ghost Hunt!

Well everyone here are the results from Thursday's expedition:  Just a note before we begin going over the findings: Everything was done in complete respect to the property and the people l...
Posted by Andrew on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:27:00 PST

I hate SPAM, but the meat in the can is good.

I am a victom of SPAM. What does that stand for anyway?  apparently all of the poeple in my top friends got a deal on a Macy's gift card. Hell, I even sent it to myself.  Well, if you clicke...
Posted by Andrew on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 06:47:00 PST

Background Photo

Good times in the Burgh! After a night on the town (well, if you call meetings "on the town.") I went up to Mount Washington to wind down. I got some really cool photos of the skyline; one of which is...
Posted by Andrew on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:39:00 PST