Member Since: 3/30/2006
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Name: Dan St.Laurent
Birthplace: Nashua, NH
Current Location: Hampton, NH
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'9" i think
Heritage: French, English, American Indian
Piercings: Just my ears, not sure what i should do next
Tattoos: Just two so far, from when i was 15. Getting a gun to do myself up
Band/Singer: Led Zeppelin
Song: Grandchester Meadows
Movie: V for Vendetta
Disney Movie: Pirates otC
TV show: Colbert Report
Color: Black
Food: Burgers
Pizza topping: Bacon
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Drink (alcoholic): Wine (Merlot)
Soda: none
Store: Music stores other than Daddy's
Clothing Brand: as long as it aint pink I'll wear it
Shoe Brand: cheapies....just do it!
Season: Winter
Month: January
Holiday/Festival: Halloween
Flower: Lillac
Make-Up Item: applicable
Board game: nope, this kid's about PC games - Oblivion
This or That
Sunny or rainy: rainy
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Fruit or veggie: burger
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweeeeet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: Phone, im kinda shy
Looks or personality: both
Coffee or tea: used to be coffee, just switched to tea f/t
Hot or cold: either or
Goal for this year: to be doin music f/t
Most missed memory: i guess i wouldnt remember if i missed it
Best physical feature: dont think I have one.
First thought waking up: what i have to do
Hypothetical personality disorder: OCD, baaaaaaaaad
Preferred type of plastic surgery: no! no knives on me thanks
Sesame street alter ego: Animal (close enough to sesame street to count)
Fairytale alter ego: Shrek
Most stupid remark: ye!
Worst crime: cyber related im sure....
Greatest ambition: to rule the world...well i'd settle for full time musician
Greatest fear: heights
Darkest secret: well then, wouldnt be a secret would it.
Favorite subject: anything and everything Japanese
Worst habit: Smokin
Do I?
Smoke: yeah, both
Drink: seldom
Curse: all the fuckin time ye
Shower daily: yeah
Like thunderstorms: yup
Dance in the rain: no but have sat in the rain a few times
Sing: i wish
Play an instrument: a few
Get along with your parents: not like most people i guess
Wish on stars: no
Believe in fate: only the one i cut from this fuckin stone of a life
Believe in love at first sight: i believe in lust at first sight, not love.
Can I....
Drive: yeah
Sew: yeah
Cook: yeah
Speak another language: yeah
Dance: no, not to save my life
Sing: see above
Touch your nose with your tongue: no, why would I want to do that?
Whistle: yeah
Curl your tongue: yeah
Have I ever...
Been Drunk: ah...yeah
Been Stoned/High: ahhhh...yeah
Eaten Sushi: yup
Been in Love: of course
Skipped school: most of high school
Made prank calls: shit yeah, before caller ID ruined it
Sent someone a love letter: sure
Stolen something: yeah
Cried yourself to sleep: probably a long time ago
Other Questions
What annoys you most in a person? Superiority complexes
Are you right or left handed? depends on what im doin, right mostly
What is your bedtime? when i cant keep my eyes open anymore
Name three things you can't live without: Air, water and food
What is the color of your room? black
Do you have any siblings? yup
Do you have any pets? not atm
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? hmm...that would probably get me on some kinda homeland security watch list...
What is you middle name? James
What are you nicknames? Saint
Are you for or against gay marriage? I couldn't care less, since i think marrige is irrelevant
What are your thoughts on abortion? i think adoption is better, but would never force my opinion on someone
Do you have a crush on anyone? been a long time
Are you afraid of the dark? the dark is afraid of me
How do you want to die? quickly
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? probably a box, like 12
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yup
What is the last law you ve broken? I plead the 5th
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: dark
Eye color: dark
Height: whatever
Most important physical feature: i like eyes
Type of Label: None