Truth, Beauty & Goodness
quantum theory and astrophysics
digital media as an artform rather than i ill fated communications network that inhibits actual human interaction
ass. titties. ass & titties. ass. ass. titties. titties. ass & titties.
Fine Nubian Princesses, who in fact actually dress like princesses.
Viking Warlords with longships who will whisk me away to a magical land where i can battle dragons.
Motivated outgoing people who are not total fuck ups but still like to dress fancy and go nuts every once in a while.
and now for your entertainment, the chaos that is my life;
Wham! the BeeGees, ABBA, Ace of Base, technotronic and epic metal that sings about goblins and hobbits riding unicorns into battle.
not. really I just listen to the misfits and murder city devils with a little depeche mode and electroclash thrown in. and girl talk, lots and lots of girl talk.
Dope Sandwich!!!
oh and darkest hour and black metal. byam klavor ist kreig! n.w.a., et al.
movies are cool i guess. i like the whole ernest catalogue, anything with rodney dangerfield and adam sandler movies with a positive message
i like books but seriously how lame are coffee shop intellectuals? they're almost as bad as film students...
The Ist
Rodney Dangerfield
guitar wolf
takashi miike