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Youth for 9/11 Truth


About Me


"Loose Change" (click this LINK to watch in full screen)
The Montogomery College Youth for 9/11 Truth is a group dedicating to helping each and every one question the true criminals and motives behind the September 11th attacks. We only offer facts with documentation and disapproves of any type misinformation that can be easily found on the internet. Everything on this site has been thouroughly researched and approved by the Truth Group.
The German parliament's Reichstag building was set ablaze allegedly by a "crazed" young Dutch Communist in which afterwards the Nazis would claimed the fire was part of a "Communist conspiracy" to seize power in Germany and the Nazis would use the incident as their launching pad to dissolve civil liberties, ban opposition political parties, and create a dictatorship in order to "resist" a Communist takeover when evidence later pointed that the fire was really perpetrated by leaders in the Nazi Party. When the Reich-Tag burned down, most Germans simply refused to believe suggestions that the fire had been staged by Hitler himself. They were afraid to. But so trapped were the Germans by their belief in their own bravery that they willed themselves to be blinded to the evidence before their eyes. Now that the Americans are in a similar situation, they must examine the factual evidence that may prove that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 as Americas Reich-Tag. Examination of the events and actions before, after and during September 11th give us a much clearer prospective on what really happened that day.
At 9:59 A.M. the south tower of the World Trade Center collapses to the ground in approximately 10 seconds. Just 29 minutes later the North Tower follows suit and collapses in about 10 seconds. Later that evening at 5:30 P.M., World Trade Center 7 suddenly collapses in about 7 seconds. No steel building has ever been destroyed by fire, Fire Engineering Magazine. The WTC was probably one of the more resistant tall buildings.they just dont build them as tough as the World Trade Center says Scientific America.(Ashley) Cardington Fire conducted a test on steel buildings and came to this conclusion, A steel building survived fires in experiments with extreme temperatures beyond the range possible with jet fuel.(Cardington) $600,000 was spent investigating the WTC collapses vs. $40 million on Clintons sex life. The entire 9/11 Commission only spent $15 million while all expenditures on Clintons indiscretion exceed $65 million. (, Kugler)
On August 5th 1970, a 50 story office building in New York burnt for more than six hours, it did not collapse. On May 4th 1988, a 62 story skyscraper in Los Angeles burnt for 3 hours and spread over four floors, it did not collapse. On February 23rd 1991, a 38 story skyscraper in Philadelphia built in 1973 burnt for more than 19 hours and spread of 8 floors, it did not collapse. On October 17th 2004, a 56 story skyscraper in Venezuela, built in 1976, burnt for more than 17 hours and spread through 26 floors eventually reaching the roof, it did not collapse. And yet, on September 11th 2001, two 110 story skyscrapers, completed in 1973, burned for 56 and 74 minutes, respectively, over 4 floors, before collapsing completely to the ground. It was the first collapse of steel buildings in history.
that large amounts stock were traded on the NSE of both American Airlines and United Airlines days and weeks before 9/11, and IF there was ever an investigation, the American public was never informed.
NEVER FORGET that the Downing Street memos revealed that both the US and Great Britain were looking for (or created) a reason to invade Iraq and used 9/11 to justify the invasion.
NEVER FORGET that fire has never brought down steel buildings in the history of mankind, let alone within roughly an hours time.
NEVER FORGET that President Bush has admitted that he saw the first plane hit the tower before he entered the Florida classroom and before any footage of the first plane existed.
NEVER FORGET that FEMA shipped all the steel from the World Trade Centers out of the United States before any investigation, independent of the governments, could be held.
NEVER FORGET that the terrorists were almost all Saudi Arabian, yet we have never invaded that country or questioned its leaders. Hell, we still consider them to be allies (ahem, oil).
NEVER FORGET that seven of the supposed hijackers turned out to be alive and not even in the United States on September 11th.
NEVER FORGET that firemen heard bombs going off all around them within the towers throughout the time they were trying to save people, and our government and their fourth branch, the media, suppressed these facts.
NEVER FORGET that demolition squibs, or outward looking explosions, are visible in the collapse photographs of both towers.
NEVER FORGET that FBI special agent Robert G. Wright publicly warned America three months before 9/11 that terrorists would use planes to attack the United States, and nobody did anything.
NEVER FORGET that reporters on the scene at the Pentagon found no evidence that a plane had crashed anywhere near the Pentagon, but their reports were quickly pulled from the news.
NEVER FORGET that the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon moved like a military jet per the FAA, completely disintegrated upon hitting the building leaving no trace, only made a small hole through three rings, did no damage to the lawn it flew over, and that all the footage of the plane (captured by cameras at a nearby Hilton, Citgo gas station, and the Virginia Dept. of Transportation) was confiscated in minutes by the FBI and has never been seen by the public.
NEVER FORGET that mock drills of planes flying into the World Trade Centers were coincidentally being performed the morning of 9/11.
NEVER FORGET that fighter jets were ordered by Dick Cheney to stand down the morning of 9/11 and he has never been held accountable.
NEVER FORGET that when NORAD fighter jets were finally sent stop the hijacked planes, they flew at half speed in their attempt to intercept the planes.
NEVER FORGET that there were 35 USAF bases within range for interception the morning of 9/11.
NEVER FORGET that Bush received intelligence regarding terrorists attacking America as far back as January of 2001, and he and his administration did nothing about it.
NEVER FORGET that Marvin Bush, Georges younger brother, was on the board of directors for the security company, Securacom, that handled security for the World Trade Center complex, Dulles International Airport, and United Airlines; and that he curiously resigned his position the day before 9/11.
NEVER FORGET that they have STILL NOT captured Osama bin Laden.
NEVER FORGET that the University of Columbia recorded high-peak seismic readings moments prior to each tower collapsing indicating the use of explosives.
NEVER FORGET that George HW Bush, Sr. met with bin Ladens brother, Shafig, the morning of 9/11 for a Carlyle Group meeting at the Ritz Carleton in Washington D.C.
NEVER FORGET that building 7 was brought down the afternoon of 9/11, as admitted by WTC owner Larry Silverstein, using explosives. Yet the official FEMA report still maintains that it fell from damage and fires caused by the attacks.
NEVER FORGET that witnesses in Pennsylvania saw an unmarked white military jet in the area prior to flight 93 crashing.
NEVER FORGET that Donald Rumsfeld slipped and and said that flight 93 was shot down in Pennsylvania.
NEVER FORGET that Ernie Stull, the mayor of Shanksville, Penn., admitted that he saw no plane when visiting the crash site shortly after the crash.
May all the victims that morning, their families, and all the military and civilian victims since, rest in peace.
Muslim - Christian - Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth
Yea so I'm still looking for evidence of 100 ton 757 jet liner, let me know if you see it.
Nothing to see here.. go back to your lives.. the grass is green.. the cup is half full.....
Remember that the top of WTC 2 hit WTC 3. Within a collapse, the upper body of WTC 2 tilting east then the top falling west are all but impossible. With controlled demolition's benefiting from perfectly placed, precision delayed explosions, no problem.

My Interests

Hearing all sides of the 9/11 arguement. We are always open for private or public debates, contigent on time and place.


CNN's Showbiz Tonight - Charlie Sheen Coming Forward About 9/11

CNN's Showbiz Tonight - Was 9/11 An Inside Job?


America Agrees - There Is A 9/11 Cover-Up.

"Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State" (click this LINK to watch in full screen)

"Confronting the Evidence" (click this LINK to watch in full screen)

Why did Bush put the childrens', in the Florida classroom, lives in danger by knowingly entering the classroom with knowledge that the first plane the building? Wouldn't he be target ..1? How did he know that the first plane hit the building if it did not hit till he was actually in the classroom? Why are we being lied too?

Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex, admitted on a September 2002 PBS documentary, 'America Rebuilds' that he and the NYFD decided to 'pull' WTC 7 on the day of the attack. The word 'pull' is industry jargon for taking a building down with explosives.


"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor..." "And advanced forms of biological warfare that can targetspecific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

- Taken from "Rebuilding America's Defenses", Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century," September, 2000, By the Bush Administration.

The Facts:

The twin towers were the first steel high rise buildings to collapse from "fire" in the history of the world. But the footage, eyewitnesses and seismic evidence clearly shows the building being demolished with explosives as they collapse at free-fall speed. The twin towers were designed to withstand the impact of a jumbo jet, hurricanes and earthquakes. 200,000 tones of steel and 425,000 cubic yards of concrete was turned to dust in 9.2 seconds, thats 10 floors per second, impossible without the aid of explosives planted all over the building. We were told jet fuel weakened the steel which lead to the collapse, but this has been proven impossible as scientific fact, pictures and tapes of firefighter communications on that day show the fires were nearly out, but they were told to "pull back". All the wreckage from the twin towers and building 7 was immediately shipped as scrap metal to other countrys before investigators could enter the site.

Why were the flights only 20% full that day?

FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800 to 1500F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750F). There were many reports of lots of explosions before and during the collapse and the demolition is clearly seen on the footage that was aired live as the towers fell, but these reports were not shown again after later afternoon and close up footage of the collapses was removed, why was this?

The movie and picture below show the explosions blowing out of the building 20 to 40 stories below the collapsing line, these are called "squibs" in demolition terms, these can be seen from many angles.

Did you know George Bush's broth Marvin was head of security for the world trade centre complex until his contract expired on 9.11? And Larry Silverstein took out a 7 Billion dollar insurance policy on the world trade centre complex a few months before 9.11 specifically covering acts of terrorism.

The flights that were hijacked that day were only 20% full, and after looking at the flight records, they were not even scheduled to fly on September 11th, why is this?

How many buildings did you watch collapse on September 11th? The unreported World Trade Centre 7 collapsed on 911, it was a block away from the twin towers and housed a government command bunker, and offices of the secret service, CIA and FBI. The 48 story building collapsed into a neat pile in 6 seconds. The government says fire (over 3 floors) caused this collapse, but this again could not have happened because of fire, examine the footage, the building is being demolished using explosives, see below.

We were told that a Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon, again this is a lie, photos taken a few minutes after the crash before the walls collapsed show 1 hole in the wall no more than 16ft in diameter, intact windows around the hole, no tail, no wings, no luggage, no bodies, no marks on the lawn. Click here to see the Pentagon flash movie.

The only footage that the government has released is 5 frames from a security camera, but this footage only raises more questions as it does not show a Boeing 757.

Read the full 9/11 Timeline here.

So why would the government do this? Since 9.11 president Bush has been able to say and do whatever he wants using the pretext of the "terrorist attacks". For example, the patriot act, new laws restricting the American people, introducing a Martial Law and ovcourse the war on Iraq. This is all part of the governments plan, create a dramatic event killing thousands of Americans, blame Bin Laden and Sadam so that they can take over the Oil that American needs so much.

The fact is that just before the invasion of Iraq, Sadam was about to change the currency with wich he buys and sells Oil from the American Dollar, to the Euro. Two thirds of the worlds oil is dealt in US Dollars, if this were to change the American economy would crash, causing much damage, they needed to stop Sadam, and what better way to do it than linking him to the "terroist attacks".

Read the full facts for yourself by clicking here


Anyone that does not have a selfish desire to succeed at the expense of others.

My Blog

Don't Believe Me, Hear what PHDs and High Government Officials Have To Say

Peer-reviewed papers Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? by Steven E. Jones, Ph.D. The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True by David Ray Griffin, Ph...
Posted by Youth for 9/11 Truth on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 12:03:00 PST

The White House forced the EPA to say "The air is safe to breathe" at the World Trade Center.

People are Dying Because the White House and Giuliani Lied!: In order to "reopen Wall Street" the Bush administration censored crucial EPA and New York City Health Department warnings that the air ...
Posted by Youth for 9/11 Truth on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 11:45:00 PST

Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse? by Dr. Steven E Jones, BYU Physics Department

Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?     By Steven E. Jones Department of Physics and Astronomy Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602     ABSTRACT   In writing ...
Posted by Youth for 9/11 Truth on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 11:20:00 PST


EXPERTS CLAIM OFFICIAL 9/11 STORY IS A HOAX Scholars for 9/11 Truth call for verification and publication by an international consortium.   Duluth, MN (PRWEB) January 30, 2006 -- A group of disti...
Posted by Youth for 9/11 Truth on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 11:02:00 PST

9/11 Research Outline

9/11 Research OutlineWorld Trade Centers Fire Engineering Calls investigation a half-baked farce Illegal Steel Removal No steel building in history has collapsed from fire Hijackers didn't cause colla...
Posted by Youth for 9/11 Truth on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 10:45:00 PST

The Federal Reserve System - In a Nut Shell

Steven MoormanProfessor Van Der SliceUS HISTORYWhat is the Federal Reserve?  The Federal Reserve is not in anyway federal, nor does it have anything in reserve.  The Federal Reserve is a pri...
Posted by Youth for 9/11 Truth on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 05:36:00 PST