cons†ance profile picture


♠I Dont Really Feel Like This Today♠

About Me

iv had brown, black, red and now white hair im so happy ill have my green fringe and co-mo soon mmm lovin the mini mo its got sum added uses... if ya get my drift iv had eyebrows and drawn on ones, a clevage pircing and to much makeup to speak of SHUSH! hmm lots of kinda interesting things CONSTANCES GETS FOND of dressing up she needs to create new costumes she is gettin lazy! i just dont feel piratey nough without rag-red hair! drawing and painting and creating things urm now hmmm i love my boobs, corsets and my pircings wrist pircing YEY, my bro's and my army of Kittien's (army of 1, yesh vegas u acid/phycosis cat) im usually quiet very nicely! but really theres an very mighty evil mean streak in there i can talk shit for quiet a while if needed Cheers! I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

♠The Strong men, the masters, regain the pure conscience of a beast of prey; monsters filled with joy; they can return from a fearful succession of murder, arson, rape and torture with the same joy in their hearts, the same contentment in their souls, as they had indulged in some student’s rag. When a man is capable of commanding, when he is by nature a master, when he is violent in act and gesture, of what importance are treaties to him? To judge morality properly by two concepts borrowed from zoology: The taming of a beast and the breeding of a species. Friedrich Nietzche.♠

♥Some thing that my beautiful Angel once told me♥

I'd like to meet:

my aunt Thomas who ate both her legs with chopsticks and makes a great fetalpie


metal and tekkas


-horror and colours-


adopt your own virtual pet!