-=+NJ+=- profile picture


-=+dAnCiNg iS mY paSsiOn+=-

About Me

-- wHaT's Up EVErYoNe?!! wUt It DO?? weLL mY naME iS NINA buT i'd RaThER cHoSe tO bE cALLeD -=NJ=- hU's BoRn FrOm ThE SOUTHEAST +PHILIPPINES+ (proUd 2 Be PinaY! ever!) sO yea.. ThErE's NuThIn' mOrE fun 2 Me bUT Bein WiT mY FeLLaZ/GURL-FRIEnDs/frIeNDs.. i aM tHe kInD oF peRsOn HU usuaLLy cHoSe tO sTAy HoME, wAtCh mOvIeS & chiLL wIT wIt My "FRIENDSHIPOPS" raThER tHaN gOinG oUT.. sInCe iMmA bUSY pErSon bY The dAy tHaT i beGun beIn in cOLLegE (whew!) I reaLLy OftEn Go OuT tO maLLs haNg mUch cOZ ThaT's LyF baBy.. "1st thing 1st".. get it??.. sO uHmm... ThRouGh aLL ThE bUSy-nEsS i'd stiLL lIkE tO chiLL oUT but not now.. i'm stiLL dOin & pracTicIn em skillz.. which is mY hObbY "DANCIN'!" & i dO pLaY sPorTs.. suCh aS voLLey baLL, baSkEt baLL & swimming of couRSe.. i jUZ lOVE 2 refrsh cOz i feeL sO reaLaXeD mosT especially wHen i'm F'N TIRED... aNywAy, i reaLLy haTE tHE "boredomness" sO wuT i Do is gO PlaY sUm MUSICs, watchin' MOVIES (can't live w/o em two).. tiLL dawn Or tiLL i feLL asleep juz tO FyT tHaT "B" & gET rId oF It.. :D wUt eLse?? ImMa fRieNdLy oNe.. i'd lOvE tO mEEt neW peEpz OuTta heRE & sOmEwHrE eLSe.. im 8haTin' 'sUm' hU aRE trYin 2 bE "SOMEBODY" & aCtin As If ThEy aRE 'like tis' wHen tHeY'Re not... & i thiNk eVry1 H8s it.. sO yEa.. jUz be urseLf.. & i'LL TaLk 2 ya.. ;) (mark mY wORd!).. Im noT reaLLy cHoOsEy.. in dealin wit other people. it reaLLy jUZ depends.. oN How YA sHow ME sUm CHARACTERS/ATTITUDES that u got jUZ be NATURAL hu know's wE myT bE BEST OF FRIENDS DEUCE!! ;P)
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My Interests

~nEw GadGeTs,
~bOaRd ShOrTs,

I'd like to meet:

cutie strangers?.. hahaha! LOL! juz playin' aNyOnE & EvErYoNE. So feeL free ya'LL tO add me up... here's my add
***[email protected]***
if Ya LyK SuM rEaL TaLk chAt WiT mE
YM: herty_16
MSN: [email protected]





++ aNd A wHoLe LoT mORE!!!++


HBO, Mtv(pimp my ride, wade robson project, mtv cribs), channeL [v], Etc.. simPlE LiFe, disney cHaNnEL(thats so raven, lizzie m. mr. bean, madeline[wanna learn some french word nyahaha LOLz] ), jaCk Tv(drawn 2gether hahaha!), fashion tv(slight, though it was kinda boring sometimes), 23(mymyx), hallmark....


gReEk mYtHoLoGy,
As long as it is knowledgable! =P


It WoUld Be mY:::
aNd Of CoUrSe... ~+GOD+~

My Blog

oUr MiRRoR

Our Mirror The good you find in others, is in you too. The faults you find in others, are your faults as well. After all, to recognize something you must know it. The possibilities you see in others, ...
Posted by -=+NJ+=- on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 06:16:00 PST

aNytHin GoEs...

wHaTz Up PeOPle iT's sOoO gOoD 2 Be BaCk.. i GoT No sCHooL 2DaY.. iM pReTtY mUch bOrEd sO inStEad OF sIttIn dOWn & waTch ThE whOlE tYm.. i caMe uP wIt ThE tHouGhTs oF wRiTTinG sTuffs OuTTa HeRe...
Posted by -=+NJ+=- on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:23:00 PST

3rd day...

--->>> wHat's sUp ya'LL iM baCk aGain.. Oh weLL jUz here To saY & sHAre hOw'S mY 3RD dAy gOin.. ImMa Go sTArt wIt mAh 2Nd day.. cOZ sHiT tHat wAs heLLa cRaZy 4 US.. tHat wAs ThE dAy wE aLL beCaMe...
Posted by -=+NJ+=- on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 05:37:00 PST


"Complicated" By: NIVEA Sat up in the dark for so longJust livin' my life on my own thenRight up out of the blueBumped into uI was so amusedBy your smile booWant you to call my phoneSo me u can talk j...
Posted by -=+NJ+=- on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 04:27:00 PST