basically vegan food, touring, cooking, socialism, straightedge, reading, camy, telling my friends how much i love them, custom drums, Batman comics, Rome.
i love keeping in touch with all the amazing people i've had the privilege to share something with, touring, travelling or just living. But if i haven't met you in real life, don't bother trying to add me, i'm probably not interested at all. it's nothing know...
mario:a capanè, ma come te sei vestito, in tenuta da ladro? capannelle: ma che ladro, spurtiivo....
Friends, csi, the king of queens, Seinfeld, scrubs, the family guy, the simpsons.
E.T.A Hoffman. I. Calvino. E.A. Poe. J.Loeb J. Rifkin G. Orwell F. Dostoevskij P. Roth L. Pirandello F.Miller L. Tolstoj L. Sciascia,
Ugo Pippulito Millibar Trenta. E. Berlinguer, G. Matteotti, J.P Sartre, M.Monicelli, N.Mandela, A.Spinelli, M.L. King, I.Mckaye, G.Orwell, B.Horne,F. DeGregori, F.Rosi, P.Watson, D.O'Neil, A. Huxley, A.Goodwin, B.Fenoglio, J.McClane, F.Guccini ,V.DeSica,Paul, John, Ringo, George