Being in Ireland. Travelling. Baths with oils, by candlelight and by the sound of monks singing (ish) out of the speakers of a CD player. Being out of the flat. Not studying. Reading good books. Giving a reiki... summertime in Melbourne, but only in comparison to winter.
The feline to whom these eyes belong.Created @
Too tired right now to recount the memory of the 2nd biggest highlight of this lifetime, but oh very quietly powerful Malayan tiger catteeeee, I am so unutterably unable and unwilling to ground and demystify those eye-locking moments. So much forever destined to dangle outside of this time. The most peaceful I could ever hope to be was under your gaze. Reiki to you...
Tori Amos x 70,000 (been trying to be her myspace friend for at least 4 weeks now and her PR people are completely ignoring me, though I am getting messages about new paraphernalia that's unavailable in Australia as yet). Old Stone Temple Pilots, old Tea Party, old Soundgarden, oldish PJ, Massive Attack, Portishead, Faithless, Unkle, Coco's Lunch, Akasa, Lamb, Dave Brubeck all of a sudden, Tool, Tricky, Jeff B, others... thinking... an album here and there... no new ones... forgotten who I father's crooning...
I liked the concept behind that movie whose name I can't remember right now. I don't think the brahmi and gingko biloba brain-stimulating tablets have kicked in yet. Aha! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! Such a concept has probably been explored several thousand times though. Kung Pow was entertaining. All filmic celebrations of Tori Amos, especially those I have not yet been privy to. Must revisit this section.
Australian Story? The news?
That book on my shelf containing a Tori Amos short story; I wanted to be buried with The Lovely Bones when I was reading it I may have recovered; 1984; I loved Italo Calvino in 1998; The Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers; Alain de Botton, The Art of Travel - loved this a few years ago, can't remember what it's really like, think not now; Caiseal Mor, The Meeting of the Waters - Irish fantasy novel, loved the intro. I really haven't read anything other than uni books for aeons. Picking up a book after this. Reading it all the way through.
Tori Amos, oh Tori, Tori Amos. Mr Bazzy Man, Super Feline Schmeline Smooooocher - why did you leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeave me and my pastures greenest, you shmeanest pussycattest? The near stranger who proposed to me via post-it note - too creepy to be a hero, but he does spring to mind as someone to mention. He doesn't know he's not a hero of mine. Gutsy and mad. Liked it but wondered about someone who'd do that in ernest...