Myspace Layouts by
I love 2 joke around so let laugh together. LIFE IS 2 SHORT SO LETS LIVE EACH DAY AS IF IT WAS UR LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..Myspace Layouts by
I love 2 joke around so let laugh together. LIFE IS 2 SHORT SO LETS LIVE EACH DAY AS IF IT WAS UR LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..Traveling, Film Industry, Fashion Industry, Motorcycles, Luxury and Muscle Cars, Money lots and lots of Money...Oh how can I forget the beautiful women!
OprahBeyonce, Janet Jackson, Alicia Keys,Jesus!! of course i dont want to meet Satan then that mean HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything!!! Nuff saidHip Hop, Rock, Reggae, Blues, Jazz....etc.....etc.....etc.....Girls who make beautiful music....LMAO
Coming to America, Harlem Nights, Ima get you sucka!, Friday, Five Heartbeats, Movies that I will star in! LMAO Belly, Becky does Dallas, Interracial Facial LMAO
Timothy Lockett
Sports Illustrated and JET, LMAO LMAO yeah I know there not Books, but they didnt have a space???? But I love me some BIBLE....Cause I go to Church!!!
Cobi Jones: Soccer Challenge
my mom and dad and any one how tries 2 follow their dreams and who r not afraid 2 to fall but get back up again. church