Competition, Art, Poetry, Music, TV, great sex (the female orgasm), traveling, the company of friends, The mentality of the human being (we say and do some crazy sh1t), Good conversation, motorcycles, the femal body, MOVIES, technology, helping people connect (with what?; whatever it is they are disconnected from) Gathering information, just chillin, lovin my wife, practicing making babies. Ramble Ramble Ramble...PS3
People from all walks of life. I love to talk about stuff, no matter what it is. Lets debate, let's share philosophies, lets compare stories, lets live.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
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All Music for the most part I have a very extensive music collection, about 1000 albums (cd's)Classical R&B Old School R&B Hip-Hop Pop/Rock (Maroon 5, Coldplay, creed, etc)
Movies you must see: Slow Burn and The Last TimeAll movies, I got about 1000 DVD's an HD player a Blu Ra player, 1000W surround sound, several flat screens (HD is the SHIT).
All Celebriality on VH1, House, Greys, Pushing Daisy's, Private Practice, Football, Survivor, Amazing race, Kid nation, UFC, BOONDOCKS
Currently reading Honeymoon with My Brother, and Do What You Are
Don't exist.