Ancient Humanity, ghost stories, hunting arrowheads, and the space/time paradox.
Willie Nelson, Charlie Daniels, Art Bell, Zecharia Sitchin, Carlos Santana, and the girl who played Wednesday on the Addams Family - just to name a few...
Old Rock n' Roll, Rhythm & Blues, Motown, New Age, Green Day, System of the Down, and anything with a kick-ass guitar in it.
Lord of the Rings, Dune, Gone With the Wind, Song of the South (look it up), Jurriassic Park, 2001 - A Space Odessey, and anything with John Wayne in it.
Old I Love Lucy, X Files, History Channel, TLC, Discovery Channel, and of all things, South Park!
Right now, I am really into writing my own books ( ), but I like Stephen King, Zecharia Sitchin, Whitley Streiber, Dean Koontz, and James Michener.Vote for KEECHIE by clicking on this link: If you like this then please Pop it at!
My dad, who was in World War II, my grandfather, who taught me to read before I ever went to school (and how to sharpen a knife), JFK, and an old woman that people thought was a witch, but knew about herbs and how to get rid of warts and evil spells.