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(¯`·._.·[Saving Yourself, Can Save the World!]·._.·´¯)

About Me

Click here to visit the Vampire Slayer Store!Get Your Own! | View Slideshowmother of three ToAshton who is 7 yrsKessler who is 3 yrsand Emma who is 2 yrsAfter five years in Hawaii we are now stationed in Texas.www.daniacamden.comANOTHER GREAT WEBSITE ABOUT MY WRITTEN WORKShttp://www.squidoo.com/daniacamden/ Dani --

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Guinevere of the Far East What's Your Vampire Name?

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Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Get Your Own! | View Slideshowwww.daniacamden.comYour results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 90% Supergirl 90% Superman 80% Robin 65% Green Lantern 60% Spider-Man 50% The Flash 50% Batman 45% Hulk 40% Iron Man 40% Catwoman 30% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
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Journey is awesome. Seperate Ways was the cheesiest and greatest video EVER!Rustic Circle rawks! Not only do they play actual good music, but they are a pretty cool bunch of guys that owe me drum sticks! when I am not rawkin' out to their sweet profile, I am often caught listening to: Tool Ac/Dc The Donnas The Offspring Rancid Reggie and the Full Effect Sublime Joan Jett No Use For A Name and some girly stuff that I am too embarassed to admit to! HA!


whatever is showing when I have baby sitter


Battle Star Gallatica, Smallville, Medium, Star Trek, Firefly, Buffy...... You know... The geekier the better MY NEW FAV SHOW!!!!!Get this widget!


Vampire Slayer:
one foot in darkness

~Synopsis~Emma Hogan hasn€™t been the same since she and her twin brother were the only survivors from an attack on their family home two years ago. It was the same attack that claimed her right foot and forced her into a dangerous and thrilling new world. That night, her brother, Jimmy, and she learned the truth about the world that existed beyond what was perceived as real. That evil truly existed not only in stories but, demons, spirits and vampires did roam the Earth and were €“ in fact €“ responsible for the deaths of their parents and younger sister.Forever changed by the horrifying events, Emma and Jimmy embark on a mission to protect others from a similar fate, reestablish a sense of normalcy, and for Emma, come to terms with a life filled with violence, loneliness and rubber feet.Just when things begin to find their rhythm, a strange and exotic stranger arrives at their door proclaiming to have answers to questions they didn€™t even know they had. What comes next is a whirlwind of revelation, mystery and suspense that forces Emma to realize that if she is to save the world, she may first have to learn to save herself. ~FIVE BEACON REVIEW FOR VAMPIRE SLAYER:ONE FOOT IN DARKNESS~Emma Hogan and her twin brother Jimmy share more thanjust DNA. They have the souls of a vampire slayer.Unfortunately, this knowledge is found out too late, asthe rest of the Hogan family is brutally slain onenight by two vamps on the prowl. But it just doesn€™tend there. As the years move on, the Hogan twins areabout to find out more about their family€™s secrets andan ancient ritual that will threaten all of humanity.Along with the help from sharp-tongued, Brit Layla, thetwo must fight against evil to save themselves and thehuman race. But the evil outside isn€™t the only thingthat plagues Emma Hogan. Losing her leg to thevampires that killed her family has left her with adark place in her heart. She feels destined to bealone and lonely for all of existence. Fighting theancient Inanna has a higher purpose for Emma.More than just your blood and guts book on vampires,VAMPIRE SLAYER: ONE FOOT IN DARKNESS will also leadyou down the path of self-acceptance and sacrifice.The Hogan twins are genuine characters that are verytrue to life; despite that whole vampire thing. Theycare for each other deeply as siblings yet squabblelike children. Where Jimmy€™s brains leave off, Emma€™sphysical strength takes over.When I started this book, I never expected to belaughing out loud! Then entered Layla. I absolutelyloved the way her character played off of the Hogan€™s.She wasn€™t immediately accepted and days after herappearance was still causing upheaval in the Hoganhome. Overall, this was a great read. The title andending insinuate a sequel and I will be looking forwardto it.--reviewed by C.C.


Aimee, for she is GOD ALMIGTY!

My Blog

The Cautionary Tale of Miss Information

A friend of mine pointed this person out to me. I am so sad that you call us "civilians" like we are beneath you or something? I am sooo hurt that every military wife thinks they have it harder than a...
Posted by Dani on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 07:08:00 PST


Here are just a few examples of some of the products available at the offical Vampire Slayer Store located at http://www.cafepress.com/heather_designs/2450671There is much much more to choose from t...
Posted by Dani on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 06:19:00 PST

my hair smells like smoke...

... but it still looks so good! I can't bring myself to wash it yet!I had soooo much fun going out with the girls last night! We danced our cute butts off and pushed smelly boys away! I surprised even...
Posted by Dani on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 06:26:00 PST


So we went to the only place in town that we actually go to, and had the best time that I have ever had there! Che ACTUALLY danced with me! Yeah I know. Not a slow dance, but Daaaaaaaaaanced with me!!...
Posted by Dani on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 08:30:00 PST


n you thought it was safe to get your mail!So as I am walking back to my house from getting my mail I hear the raspy yelp of a certain neighborly, class-challenged individual shouting "SKANK!"I respon...
Posted by Dani on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 04:30:00 PST

My Look a Likes

Posted by Dani on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 09:39:00 PST


All I have to ask is, what does Britney Spears have against underwear? I mean one slip on one night is not that big of a deal. Back in the "I weigh less than a steamer trunk filled with pennies" days,...
Posted by Dani on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 02:44:00 PST


TO VIEW THE FULL VERSION CLICK ON THIS LINKhttp://www.fallenangelreviews.com/2006/November/Tammy-Va mpireSlayer_OneFootInDarkness.htmbook cover hereBuy the BookTitle:Vampire Slayer: One Foot in Darknes...
Posted by Dani on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 02:11:00 PST

Clarifying my Political Stance

I just wanted to take this opportunity to make my political views very clear. Most of you know how passionate I am regarding my politcal stance and that I would happily go on for hours and hours to ju...
Posted by Dani on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 07:37:00 PST


Here is the link to the link to new interview on Fallen Angel Reviews.com! http://www.fallenangelreviews.com/Interviews/2006/Oct06-Sere na-DaniACamden.htm
Posted by Dani on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 09:33:00 PST