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Bekim Rizvani

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I am a restaurant owner ( and competitive bodybuilder from IL. My contest highlights include winning the open overall at the caveman classic in 06as a light heavy weight. Im diet and exercise programs for people. weather you are trying to pack on muscle or diet to get lean, or preparing for a bodybuilding show I can help. Please message me for info and pricingIf you live in the NJ area and need a relater please go to and contact my sister

My Interests

Competative Bodybuilding, cooking, sleeping, eating, tasting good wine, and hmm i think thats it

I'd like to meet:

Sponsors, Friends other bodybuilders


hard rock, heavy metal and techno


action and horror


My Dad, he went from being dirt poor to having many successful business

My Blog


9  6  6  6  9  9  6  5  11    TOTAL:36  / PLACE:   7TH   The 6th place competitor had a total score of :  35 The 8th pla...
Posted by Bekim Rizvani on Tue, 20 May 2008 03:08:00 PST

mr jr usa expereince

What can I say, it was a disapointing expereince.  I looked good a week before, then as I delpeted my carbs and thne carbed up and too water pilld as the same time but body becan to look dryer an...
Posted by Bekim Rizvani on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:01:00 PST