Glittery texts by ..
HI THIS IS AMRITA AND I'M LOOK FOR FRIENDS OR SOMETHING ELSE!!Amrita Arora...So far she's had at least two different identities. Some know her as Malaika Arora's little sister. Most, of course, know her as the peppy VJ who's been the lifeline of MTV Chillout, MTV House Full etc. Actress is the tag that she seems to be living up to best now. Big sister Malaika, the hottest VJ around, shot to fame with the 'MTV Love Line' fame. Amrita followed suit into MTV after winning the VJ hunt. When item numbers in Bollywood flicks beckoned Malaika, she was quick to respond. After the instant success of the "chaiyya chaiyya" number in "Dil Se" and the raunchy dance item in "Bichhoo", Malaika is content to sit back and play Agony Aunt on MTV. Amrita ardently followed suit into Bollywood. She made her Bollywood debut with Kitne Door Kitne Paas with Fardeen. "Awara Paagal Deewana" followed.Name: AMRITA
Birthdate: 1-31-1980
Birthplace: MUMBAI, INDIA
Current Location: INDIA
Eye Color: GREEN
Hair Color: BROWEN
Height: 5.4 1/2
Weight: 115
Piercings: NONE
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: NONE
Overused Phraze: MU
Food: ALL
Candy: ALL
Number: 8,5
Drink: NO
Body Part on Opposite sex: ABS, BUTT, EYES, HAIR
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: BOTH
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BOTH
Strawberry or Watermelon: WATERMELON
Hot tea or Ice tea: HOT TEA
Chocolate or Vanilla CHOCOLATE
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: HOT CHOCOLATE
Kiss or Hug: KISS
Dog or Cat: DOG
Summer or Winter: WINTER
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: SCARY MOVIES
Love or Money: LOVE
Most Missed Memory: MY FAMILY
Best phyiscal feature: MY EYES AND BODY
First Thought Waking Up: WHAT TIME IS IT
Goal for this year: ACTING MORE
Best Friends: ADITI
&..39;Longest relationship:' 3 YEARS
Ever been Drunk: YES
Ever been beaten up: NO
Ever beaten someone up: YES
Ever Skinny Dipped: NO
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: YES IN A MOVIE I MADE
Favorite Eye Color: GREEN
Favorite Hair Color: BROWEN
Short or Long: SHORT
Height: 5.7
Style: GOOD
Looks or Personality: BOTH
Number of Regrets in the Past: MU..
What country do you want to Visit: AFRICA,PARIS
How do you want to Die: SLEEPING
Do you like Thunderstorms: YES
Get along with your Parents: YES
Health Freak: NO
Believe in Yourself: YES
Want to go to College: YES
Shower Daily: YES
Been in Love: YES
Do you Sing: YES
Want to get Married: YES
Do you want Children: YES
Have your future kids names planned out: MU....
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: YES
Hate anyone: NO
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