Please allow this communication to serve as an introduction to The SonShine Faktory(TSF) Marketing & Media. Established in 2001 with the entertainment industry in mind, TSF provides its clients with in-depth grassroots marketing and promotions. In under 7 years, TSF expanded to over 20 markets across the U.S. with professionally diverse street teams, brand ambassadors and promo models to serve your company with saturation that will propel your product into the spotlight of consumers.
We offer an array of services that include:
Artist Liaison Service
Radio Promotions
Retail Promotions
Street Promotions Nationally
Wild Postering
Brand Ambassadors Nationally
Promo Models Nationally
Event/Tradeshow Staffing
To date, TSF has serviced:ABC TV Network Abundant Harvest Entertainment Alliant Music Group Arrow Records BeBe Winans BET (Black Entertainment Television) Bishop David G. Evans Bishop John Francis / London, England Bishop T.D. Jakes / Dexterity Sounds Edmondson Communications Gospo Centric Integrity Gospel Kingdom Records L. Spenser Smith & Testament Lance Williams & True Worship Malaco Records Maranatha Music Group Meridian Music Group Music World Entertainment Sony BMG Think Think Think Tyscot Records Universal/Motown Urban Gospel Alliance Verity Records Zomba ...AND THE LISTS GOES ON & ON!!!
I created my layout at
The True Worship Retreat 2008 will feature such artists and instructors as Richard Smallwood, Maurette Brown-Clark, Tye Tribbett, Bishop Liston Page and MANY MORE! YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS IT!
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