Crashes inevitable!
I enjoy creating my own stuff whatever it is, not being a passive consumer.
* movies / filmmaking / filmtheory
* monsters
* photography
* guitar playing
* history, if we can learn from it, not just facts
* conspiracy from UFO to RAF
* checking out or cooking new delicious food
* painting in general / self created paintings
* inspiring literature
* staying up all night
* fringe culture
* obsessive people that are totally into something
* going out to live concerts
* new clubs and bars
* car culture / hot rods / crazy cars
* new exiting experiences
* partying with friends
* comix / 24 hour comic day / tattoo-art
* motorbiking
* stretching boundaries / social research / provocation
* attending film festivals
* excessive theatre / performance
* everything "culture" thats maybe not recognised as such
* games: from silent hill to fake russian roulette
* Dead moviestars to sit with them in a old movie-theatre watching their films together, e.g. grabbing some beers with James Dean and watch "Rebel without a cause".
* People that don..t give me the crap.
* People that know how to have fun
* Sexy people
* somebody who would do a Remake of Cronenberg..s / J.G. Ballard..s "Crash" with a slightly new twist
For more weirdness & chaos visit:
Fucking Vinyl rules !! I..m not stuck on a particular musical style. I enjoy music that touches a vibe, or simply blasts my ears off. It can be elaborated or pretty simple, if some kind of energy, or magic is there, and I like crazy stage shows. Musical styles I enjoy include Garagepunk, 77 Punk, Old school HC, Rock n..Roll (50ties or modern), some Elektronica if it catches a Punk spirit, some Psychobilly, some Stonerrock, some Grindcore. I don..t listen to Metal/Hardrock these days any more, which i liked very much as a Teenager (nowadays they call it "Glam"), but i still consider extreme acts such as Slayer, Hellhammer or the old Celtic Frost as fucking cool, or putting on an old Twisted Sister record at a party is fun too. Music thats too complaisant, too "pop" or too "college radio" is not my thing. I like listening to radio ghoul school for some deathrock or darker tunes.
* Alec Empire
* Angry Samoans
* Blondie
* Butthole Surfers
* Celtic Frost (early)
* Christian Death
* Circle Jerks
* Cop Shoot Cop
* Cramps
* Cryptic Slaughter
* Dead Kennedys
* Epoxies
* Fisherspooner vomiting Blood
* Frontier Records
* Fu Manchu (early)
* GG Allin
* Gore Gore Girls
* Hanin Elias
* Horrorpunkshows
* Jon Spencer (early)
* Kim Wilde (Kids in America)
* King Khan pissing on Stage
* Lunachicks
* Monster Magnet (early)
* Motörhead (the loudest Band in the World)
* lightning beat-man
* Oblivians
* Pagans
* Righteous Pigs
* Rob Zombie
* Slaughter (Canada)
* Slayer or Slayer Cover Band
* Sonic Youth
* Texas Terry Bomb !
* Weird System Records
* Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I like films that touch a nerve or getting through with wild imagery which are mostly Horror, Exploitation, Trash or Arthouse flics. Either they should be emotionally disturbing or coming up with some unusual vision that can keep my attention. Some of them can be so bad, that they make me laugh out of pity; intended comedy is sort of rough with me, so I prefer the camp-attitude. Such films are:
* The Cramps-live at Napa State Hospital
* Psycho
* The Sore Losers
* Hated
* Street Trash
* Videodrome
* Plan 9 from outer space
* the texas chainsaw massacre
* House of 1000 Corpses
* Richard Kern Films
* The Thing from another World
* House of Frankenstein
* El Topo
* David Lynch
* Russ Meyer..s Faster Pussycat kill kill
* Return of the Living Dead
* Just for the Hell of it
* Weekend
* The Doom Generation
* Starship Troopers
* Cabin Fever
* bizarre Documentaries
* Subconscious Cruelty
For me television nowadays is a waste of time. Most TV productions deliver to the most basic forms of entertainment and are generally a piece of crap, being just a proliferation tool for product placement or commercials. There are some exceptions, that I could mention:
* twin peaks
* the munsters
* late night shows presented by elvira/vampira characters
* weirdo documentaries
* u 3000
* eurotrash
* masters of horror
Time is limited nowadays, so the endless ramblings of overlong novels are passé. I can..t spend a couple of days reading to have the Ullysses Experience. So I like a clear vision in compact format, such as poetry or song lyrics where you got an essence of expression.
*james herbert-domain
*chas balun-horror holocaust/deep red/horror handbook
*s.p. somtow
* hollywood vs. the aliens
* h.p. lovecraft
* apocalypse culture
* henry rollins-get in the van
* marilyn manson-the long hard road out of hell
* lee hollis-driving in a dead man..s car
* buddy giovinazzo
* chuck palahniuk
* edgar allan poe
* charles burns-black hole
* johannes schönherr-trashfilm roadshows
* illustrated books
* banned books
* iceberg slim-pimp
* books on cinema
* art catalogues
* nick zedd-totem of the depraved
antiheros rule!
* robert de niro in taxi driver
* kriegsverweigerer
* boykotteure
* people that make a difference
* exzentriker
* erfinder
* künstler
* people that care about other people
* people that can make me laugh
* sexy people I dream about