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Love like you've never been hurt before

About Me

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I am a very happy 35 year old woman who recently became engaged to the love of my life, Michael. We are getting married April 5,2008. He and "our" boys are the greatest gift I could have ever received. I love them more than I could have ever imagined and I am looking forward to making so many memories together as a family. I truly believe in destiny and I know that this is the man I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. I am truly blessed and I thank God everyday for sending such true love my way!!

You are Judgement

Happiness, Content, Joy.

Judgment is related to the Hebrew letter Shin, which is fiery and spiritual. A break from the past, going forward.

With Fire as its ruling element, Judgement is about rebirth or ressurection. The idea of Judgement day is that the dead rise, their sins are forgiven, and they move onto heaven. The Judgement card is similar, it asks the resurrection to summon the past, forgive it, and let it go. There are wounds from the past that we never let heal, sins we've committed that we refuse to forgive, bad habits we haven't the courage to lose. Judgement advises us to finally face these, recognize that the past is past, and put them to rest, absolutely and irrevocably. This is also a card of healing, quite literally from an accident or illness, as well as a card signaling great transformation, renewal, change.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My theory on people is this: If you think your shit doesn't stink..... smell again because Im sure it does!! People who lie or feel they have too don't even need to bother visiting my page because basically.. well you just don't belong here. Other than that I am a very easy to get along with.I am not high maintenance, fake or vain. Children and dogs are my weaknesses. They have an unconditional love that is well... one of a kind.

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My parents are very much heroes to me. They don't get recognized enough for what they have done in their lifetimes but let me tell you.. they deserve so much more than what they are getting. They have worked hard all their lives and deserve more respect than I can even mention right now.They were foster parents and then adopted 5 children. Two of which seem to have forgotten all that they did for them and all the hell they put up with from them. (And still are) I love you Mama and Daddy!! Another hero was my grandfather.. we didnt have along time together but he was a very special man to me.

My Blog

The Steps of Happyness

..> The Steps of Happyness As most of you are aware I am engaged to Michael and we are getting married April 5, 2008. I wanted to write this blog to "get out" all  of the happyness I am feeli...
Posted by Tracy on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 09:53:00 PST


I know if you don't stutter you don't understand how it feels to see the looks and the aggravation in someone's face and voice when it takes you too long to say something. Let me just say it hurt...
Posted by Tracy on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:17:00 PST

How I feel today....

From underneath the trees, we watch the sky Confusing stars for satellites I never dreamed that you'd be mine But here we are, we're here tonight Singing Amen, I'm alive Singing Amen, I'm alive [CHORU...
Posted by Tracy on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 07:08:00 PST

Six weird habits... things about ME

I was tagged in this "game" by my boyfriend Michael so i better do this and keep it going. Rules of the game and my responses: The first player in this "game" starts with the topic Six weird habits......
Posted by Tracy on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 10:06:00 PST