I like asking anorexics at dinnertime if they're "still eating that?" I never pay for drugs and alcohol. At least not with money. I am a hyperactive kid. I am not a careful girl. I'm a busy girl. I wash my body but not my clothes. You'll never know whether to adore or despise me, and swing from idealisation to debasement. I'll watch it in mild amusement. I like ponies. I wear barrettes in little tufts of hair. I drink too much Glenlivit. Statistically speaking, I am smarter than you.
Disposable boys. And mutants.
Forget it. Films bore me. Except maybe Pipi Langstrumpf, Ronja Räubertochter, women retaliation movies & vivid costume films. Oh. AND, of course, 'Die Bettwurst'.
Are you kidding me?
Almost anything I've ever read. I'll inhale anything from pulp to classics, I love books. (never said I wasn't a nerd....)
the cat.