Play with Cameron and Oreo. Cameron is my owner. Oreo is my friend. He is a pom. (aggressive breed too)
My boy is almost 18 months old. We share everything. Both of us have youth beds now. I don't need my cave (see my pics) to protect me from hurricanes any more. Our Mama and Nana moved us to NJ where we will be safe.
We will only truly be safe if you join us in our fight against BSL's. I know that some of my breed have done very bad things. Have you ever asked why it is that you don't hear about all the good things that my kind have done? We are very good friends to our owners. We love them.
Many of us are service dogs. They work to help make life easier for the disabled. We have saved lives. We search for the living and the dead after nother nature goes nuts. What do we get for this? We get laws that want to kill us. That want to wipe out our breed and many others like us. Just not fair.
Do you think that your breed is safe? Guess again. When they are done with us they will come for you. Tell your owners to vote against those that would kill us off.
Anyone who will be kind and doesn't want to kill me.
I am Cam's Nana. I am building this page with him sitting right here on my lap. Cameron is 1.5 years old. Right now his best friend is his Pit Bull Tia Maria. Second in line would be Oreo his Mommy's pom.
Cam has another friend his name is Dam. Right after Cam was born Dam and his Mom came to visit us in Pensacola , Fl. That is one aggressive breed child. Cam is as well thanks to trying to keep up with Tia. I have to tell you I almost dropped dead when Dam bit Tia and she just pushed him to his butt and walked away. No one will ever be able to tell me that all dogs bite or that all bulls are bad.
Cam and Tia share everything from cookies to milk bones. (just nasty) They sleep together and have since Cam was a couple weeks old. They amuse me to no end. Tia has taken to eating things for Cam. Like salad. No not kidding. They have breakfast together every morning. Either babomb (Cam's word for oatmeal) or eggs. It is so funny to watch him tap his highchair tray with his pointer letting her know that he is done and that she needs to clean up the mess. Tia Maria loves his eggs.
I thank you for taking the time to read about my family. Please if you will vote against those that will pass BSLs. If given the option please vote against the passing of those kinds of laws. If it were a race instead of a breed I would hope that it was not your race in question. A disability or inability. A weekness or a strength. Then we would be in deep trouble and not out babies.
As for Tia Maria she is a good girl. Her Nana (me) on the other hand will rip the fool to pieces that tries to do her harm.
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I love Kids movies. Especially ones with dogs.
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Cameron, My owner and best friend.