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In life, I hope to be remembered for my kindness, not popularity. I hope to bring a piece of joy to someone's day, not a rude comment. I hope to dedicate my life to helping others, not to ignoring them. And I hope to make the world a better place, not to just exist.
I have three very controversial films waiting to be released.
The 1st one being an epic called "Revenge Of The Dead" where I played the leading Zombie (A first for me).
The 2nd a feature film called "Troubled", where I play a chap called Freddy Salmon who suffers with OCD.
The 3rd is Jason Impey's most dramatic and thrilling feature film to date, Tortured produced by Kemal Yildirim. I play a nasty peice of work called Quaid along side Rami Hilmi (Kirk) and Michelle Young (Carmel). Filming is now complete and is now in post production.
Nick is now in pre production for his romantic comedy feature called Singing Lessons, co-directed by Nick Stoppani & Jason Impey starring Nicholas Stoppani & Alexandra Kelly.
Click here and visit the Singing Lessons Site
I also star in another film which is in post production called "Penance" where I play Detective Richard Klein a recovering alcoholic with a troubled past and an affiliation for bondage.
I have made an appearance in Trouble 22's music video "World, shut your mouth" as an Elvis Impersonator which was a right giggle to work on.
Please do also check out my website. Just Click on this link.
Below on the slide show are stills taken from my telly show. . .
"The Foolosh Guy's"
I must say it is much fun acting the fool.
I'l let you know when it will be on your tv screens!Love to all my mates! Thanks for checking out my page!
If you see me out in the street or maybee on a show come and chat to me but for now just post me a comment.
Loads of love Nick xXxXx
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