Lalah. profile picture


It's All About How You Think! ........May G♥D Bless U With Many Breathtaking, Marvelous, Phen

About Me

. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Does anyone even ReaD this part?... LOL...? Well... I'm just LalaH (Lay-la) . I like enjoying life & enjoying the love that's in it...I aim to make the best of it. I'm SillY . I LaugH alot! I'm in ♥ LOVE with GOD ...he just keeps sweeping me off my feet no OtheR. I am CreativE ... FriendlY ... HealtH ConsciouS ...always aware of the EnergY around me. Enjoy style & FashioN ...I'm a MusiC lover. I love ruling on the TenniS court. I also love to play VolleybalL . Love StrawberrieS ...yummy! Believe in the act of ProgressinG .... forward or onward movement of self. I try to always act LadylikE and RespecT myself & others. I'm very EasY GoinG & quite LaiD BacK ........CHILL OUT!... :) HumblE . I don't know it ALL. Always WantinG to LearN more. Always willing to SharE & TeacH with a GentlE spirit, whenever the opprotunity comes my way. I know I am HerE ...with a sound body and of a sound mind... living BY grace that seems to ReneW daily... :)...and I thank GOD. I have seen God's MercY performed in MY life...right before MY eyes and I don't take it lightly... he must StilL love me...if U only knew how GratefuL I am.....words can't explain...if only U knew...if OnlY U knew!!!!....Well...If U made it to here... I must say ......thanks 4 reading all... about a sista...LOL!... X♥X♥ ...PeacE ,. . . . . .
. . .. . .. . .

My Interests

. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . .... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ........... . .. . . .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . What's God saying today?
Reflect and meditate on this verse.

. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . ...... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . ... . . .. . .. .. ....... . ♥ Sista Hood...!.. .Get Your Own! | View Lalah's Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

JESUS CHRIST :), My Great, Great, Grandparents, John( author of the "gospels" in the bible), Oprah, Denzel... :) & my Guardian Angel.. . ... . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . .. . .... . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .Sista Hood Sista Hood ♥


I appreciate all GOOD music !!!. . . ..


The Color Purple , Sparkle , Love Jones , Friday ( all sequels ), The Gospel of John and I'm not Rappaport ( too funny )


Watch Tv Now


The Holy Bible........... :) ( B asic I nstructions B efore L eaving E arth ) and a dictionary ( words come alive )


Christ...hands down !!! He's done waaayyy too much... not to be my HERO !
Lookup a word or passage in the Bible
