Jan 19th 2008Theres a lot to be said for duration.It dictates that much will change in the world over the period of any given time and as the world changes so do you.First Time Fallen has been at "it" for the better part of 7 years now and as we all gathered to discuss what we as a band and friends wanted for FTF, it came out that though we all care about the band and playing for all of you, all of us need some time away from FTF to regroup, focus on ourselves and live a life beyond the band.This isn't to say we are gone for good. But like any other relationship we need time away to see what it is we all want from life in general.I wish there was an easier way for it to be and my original plan was to write up this whole story about how so and so slept with so and so's Mom and then his sister, so they got back at them by boning their dog, or it was all Matt Bailies fault ...or sumthing. But the bottom line is we're taking a break for us and when we do get back to it, whenever that is, it'll be right.Thanks to all of you out there who listen to us and make us part of your lives.We'll talk to you when we get back.First Time Fallen***We wont be playing any of the shows still posted on the site, please disregard the listing, I've tried deleting them but they are still up there.Band Contact: [email protected]
Bookings / Press:
C&B Recs
[email protected]