Photographing what is left of old Las Vegas, YESCO,Neon signage,Seedy motels,ECONO Escaping this world by reading good books and Listening to good music,Playing my bass Microkorg and Roland sh-09,Writing short stories,ANDY KAUFMAN , THINKING ABOUT THE GREATEST PUNK BAND OF ALL TIME THE MINUTEMEN,LISTENING TO RADIOHEAD AND TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE INSIDE JONNY GREENWOODS HEAD,LEARNIG FROM MY MISTAKES, PROGRESSING FROM THEM, AND NOT MAKING THEM AGAIN, And of course ALL of my beloved cats..
People to play good music with...
And this wonderful man,
Mr. Jonny Greenwood
It says a whole lot about what a self obsessed douche bag you are!
No, I don't have two hundred and something "friends",
Im not anywhere near that cool.
Its mostly music that I like.
But it's ok because I like Music more than I like people anyhow, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
♥MUSIC IS MY SOUL!!! I LISTEN TO MUSIC NOT JUST HEAR IT.♥ ..SONIC YOUTH, BEATLES, RAMONES, MINUTEMEN, Pixies, Mike Watt,KRAFTWERK,Melvins, Mudhoney, RADIOHEAD,Devo, AIR, Beck, Gary Wilson, UglyCassanova,Modest Mouse,GRANDADDY, Built to Spill, Butthole Surfers, Scratch Acid, Rape Man, Man Or Astroman, Big Black,Wall of Voodoo, Bruce Hack, Charles Brown Superstar, The Warlocks,The Pandas, Chica Chica, , PIL, King Tubby & the Aggravators,Lee Perry, Pere Ubu,Fugazi, Flaming Lips, Ween Can, NEIL YOUNG,Captain Beefheart, Os Mutantes, Velvet Underground,Funkadelic Jimi Hendrix Experience,Doors,Black Sabbath, Creedence,The Stooges, Karlhienz Stockhausen,Phillip Glass, The Lonius Monk, Miles Davis, Sun Ra,James Brown, Negativeland, Resedents, Slits,Thee Headcoatees, Subhumans,Weirdos, DNA, Teen Idols, Siouxsie & the Banshies, Creatures,Tarantula Hawk, Satans Pilgrams, Causey Way,WHIRLWIND HEAT, Spoozys,Breeders,Nirvana, Rem, Erase Errata, Blonde Readhead, Flipper, X, Le shock, The Locust, Melt Bannana, The Boredoms,Zounds, Turn On, 00I00, IQU, Mouse On Mars, Tortise, ULTRAVIOLET MAKES ME SICK,The Cure, Bauhaus, Vaselines, Black Tamborine,ENON,INTERPOL,The Killers, Corlene Machine, A Crowd Of Small Adventures, Jacob Smigel, Las Vegas Club, Mike Weller, Deer Tick, Ambry Underground,Jupiter Court, Morgans Orange, John Thill, American Gil, Quem Quaeritis, Flaspar, Anavan,Books On Tape, Golden Boots, Beastie Boys, Dr.Dre, NWA, Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, Grandmaster Flash, Fab Five Freddy, Run DMC, Public Enemy, Subrban Lawns, Beat Happening, Swell Maps,Yello, Imperial Teen, Cibo Matto,Plastics,Death By chocolate, This list can go on and on for ever and ever and even longer, So I'm gonna stop cause its already out of control.. and what the fuck, Most of you people listen to crap anyways... So if you've read this far you obviously know what your reading, and have some good damn taste....And if thats the case we should chat sometime, because 90% of the time I actually get to chatting with another human being it's about music..
The whole entire fucking Beatles anthology, WE JAM ECONO,Gouge, Loud Quiet Loud, 1991 The Year Punk Broke,Hey Is Dee Dee Home, Where The Buffalo Roam, Breakfast With Blassie, The super rare 6 disk unrealeased Andy Kaufman Box Set from his own personal collection put out by his girlfriend Lynn, Pink Flamingos,Mean Streets,Mystery Train, True Stories, Desprate Living,Female Trouble, Fugazi Instrument, Goodfellas, Loves of a Blonde, Lost in Translation, Gangs Of New York, Pi, Loagans Run,Clockwork Orange,Scarface, Amile, Gummo, City Of God, One Flew Over The Kookoos Nest, 2001, Cheech and Chong, Blow, Trainspotting,Requim of a Dream,
I didnt watch Tv for the longest time but now my apartment has free I watch whats worthy..
Alot of them.. Too name just a few, Everything by: William Burroughs, Dee Dee Ramone, Richard Hell, Hunter S Thompson, Books about Las Vegas & Nevada, Tons of music bios...
And this alien, He taught me all the important things I know..
And I am lucky to really know him