Glimmer Kids self-titled debut album is available to buy at or just click on the button below.
What began in late 2002, in a dingy San Francisco basement as a conversation on all that was missing in rock music, has evolved into a powerful-pop institution based on the principle intentions of rock'n'roll: to build it your own way, and shake up the status quo. Glimmer Kids firmly adheres to these principles and then some. For the full story, read below...
The Glimmer Kids story is a sordid tale of epic rock-n-roll proportions. It begins with two individuals and a shared objective of ushering in a new era of excitement and spectacle into rock-n-roll music.
After fronting a couple bands and coming ever so close to his big break, Jimm Glimm decided to hang up his rock-star aspirations and find a new direction in life. What he didn't realize was that once the rock-n-roll juice was in his blood, there wasn't much else he could do with himself. Like a lovesick fool with stars burned in his eyes, Jimm Glimm was hopelessly tied to the songs in his head and his unquenchable thirst for stardom. Not to mention the fact that he wasn't very good at much else.
Simon's past included his participation in bands and projects that just didn't match his high level of musicality, or embrace his vision of the "perfect" band. His quest to find the optimal outlet for his ideas was fraught with false starts and flakes, forcing him to apply his talents elsewhere. Put off by the lack of options, Simon resigned himself to honing his production skills and visiting his neighborhood drinking establishment. And that?s exactly where our heroes? futures would be indelibly altered.
It all began one auspicious evening... While ordering a drink at said bar, Simon was confronted by a loutish thug, who accused him of cavorting with his less-than-virtuous lady friend. After a slight altercation involving broken glass and bloody lips, Simon emerged the victor (thanks in large part to a trusty pad lock strung around his neck for decoration) and made his way toward the men's room. Once inside, he heard sounds of struggle and saw a trail of smashed glass, this time dashed with squirts of a milky-white substance, leading to the last stall.
Upon closer examination, what lurked behind the stall were cronies of the aforementioned Neanderthal attempting to decapitate one shaggy-haired deviant. Dressed to the hilt in a medley of leather, velvet and fake fur, Jimm Glimm was a sight to behold. Besides his motley appearance and pointed wit, what struck Simon most about this unusual character was the fact that he fended off his attackers with a squirt gun filled with what appeared to be milk--or some other dubious white substance.
Once secure from physical harm, the two misfits talked rock-n-roll and other vital subjects for hours over an endless river of gin and bitters and found that they had far too much in common to not pursue a musical venture with each other. A mutual appreciation for the British Invasion, cognac, Sharon Tate, and Robert Smith's hair evolved into a lasting friendship and electrifying musical kinship, eventually spawning Glimmer Kids' first single, "Star Song." And that, they say, "Is that."