ƒƒ~¦§çºrþ¡º§¦§ ¦RÆg€¦~±¦Þrøl profile picture

Æ’Æ’~¦§çºrþ¡º§¦§ ¦RÆg€¦~±¦ÞrølÂ

Are you and I perchance caught up in a dream from which we have not yet awakened?

About Me


~Unusual Awareness~ 333


~Optic Dreams~ 333


~This Is Your Day To Walk This Time~ 333


~Unusual Awareness~ 333


~Unusual Awareness~ 333

LIFE The gift we bring to the Human Species at this time, We the Reptilians; is what you have been waiting for . You are in the process of awakening to what shall become 'Omicron Destiny' when the Sacred Circuit Completing the Ancestors/Original Planners Grand Vision'Holographic Storage Modules' which exist within the Quantum Levels of your DNA.You are beginning to understand the existence of a woven interface in between the 'Soul' and Human DNA. We wish to begin this evening by acknowledging the power source which you remember in participating to destroy. Crystalline/Electromagnetic/Gravitational Technology is what the 'Foundation for Omni-Dimensional Science & Spirituality' shall work towards manifesting. We would like to see you regain the base which your species had once developed. Think about this: the natural world contains the model to follow. If there is wisdom stored within the genetic code of your deoxyribonucleic acid which your species has barely begun to understand or access, you would be well served to listen to us for one moment at least.Part of your purpose for incarnating is to serve as an Ambassadorial Liason/Intermediary in between the spheres; and the dimensional levels within those realms. The angels and the demons are real. It is time for your species to conceive of things as they really are.The wise serpent in the Garden of Eden did not trick Adam and Eve.Divine alignment with immortality shall be reached. I remember who I am. I am a Master Soul Wizard Being, my two main functional archetypes are that of the 'High Priest' and 'Scribe'. I acknowledge and accept this within myself, this is reality. In the name of the ultimate creator level being, which exists beyond the language even I can use to describe; I exist outside of time. I am a shapeshifter, my Aumakua Ancestral Multi-Incarnational Akashic-Etheric Hologaphic Omni-Dimensional Bio-electromagnetic Neurophysiological Structure & Deoxy-RiboNucleic Acid Soul nexxus interfaces rewovenly integrating through and within internested looping matrices of spiraling fractal geometric hyperintelligence. BELIEVE IN YOUR STAR ANCESTRY !

My Interests

Life Keeps Just Getting Clearer
The Illusion Is Breaking


LIFE ~333~ Helping People Helping This Earth Helping Its Inhabitants---------Remember the knowledge that we possess at our birthtime; the right to live-experience-learn-exchange-encourage-partake-contribute- teach-create-manifest-sustain-improve-evolve-transform-trans mute-transmutate-advance-heal-begin-breath-feel-love-live-st ep-change-give-ex-change-forgive-construct-trade-build...... remember your birthright:....~Your....A....Omnipresent....Omnipotent...... Omniscient......Omni-Dimensional Being~REMEMBER YOUR POWER- Live The Life You Want- Isn’t that why we are here?On the winter solstice of December 21st 2012, the Sun will rise within the dark rift at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, an event that occurs once every 28,500 years. As JohnMayor Jenkins describes in maya cosmogensis 2012, this alignment represents the “union of the Cosmic Mother (the Milky Way) with First Father (the December solstice sun).”Mayan hieroglyphs describe the center of this dark rift as the “Hole in the Sky,” cosmic womb, or “black hole,”
through which their wizard-kings entered other dimensions, accessed sacred knowledge, or toured across vast reaches of the cosmos. In September 2002, astronomers verified the existence of a massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, naming it “Sagittarius B.” This black hole is “the cosmic womb from which new stars are born, and from which everything in our Galaxy, including humans, came.”

I'd like to meet:


~Unusual Awareness~ 333


“In his lectures, Steiner proposed that humans were “inverted plants”; That Buddah reincarnated on Mars after he left Earth; that birds, butterflies, and bats were “cosmic thought, cosmic memory, cosmic dream”; that from Venus; that the blood spilled by Christ transmuted the inner nature of the Earth, altering human evolution; that we would have conscious control over rhythms and pulsations of the heart in our next phase of evolution.”
–Rudolf Steiner- Interpreted by Daniel Pinchbeck Author: 2012 ‘The Return Of Quetzalcoatl’


2012 THE RETURN OF QUETZALCOATL The Jupiter Beings are unlike the men of Earth. When a man of earth wants to grow wise, he must undergo inner development, he must struggle, battle inwardly and overcome; through periods that are filled with active development the human being struggles to acquire an unpretentious form of wisdom. Not so the Jupiter Beings. They are not “born” as earthly beings are born, they form themselves out of the Cosmos. Just as you can see a cloud taking shape, so do the Jupiter Beings form themselves in the etheric and astral worlds, out of the Cosmos. Neither do they die. They interpenetrate one another, do not, as it were compete with each other for space. These Beings, so to speak, wisdom that has become real and actual. Wisdom is innate in them; they cannot be other than wise. Just as we have circulating blood, so have the Jupiter Beings wisdom. It is Their very nature.-Rudolf Steiner

The Jupiter Beings are unlike the men of Earth. When a man of earth wants to grow wise, he must undergo inner development, he must struggle, battle inwardly and overcome; through periods that are filled with active development the human being struggles to acquire an unpretentious form of wisdom. Not so the Jupiter Beings. They are not “born” as earthly beings are born, they form themselves out of the Cosmos.
Just as you can see a cloud taking shape, so do the Jupiter Beings form themselves in the etheric and astral worlds, out of the Cosmos. Neither do they die. They interpenetrate one another, do not, as it were compete with each other for space. These Beings, so to speak, wisdom that has become real and actual. Wisdom is innate in them; they cannot be other than wise. Just as we have circulating blood, so have the Jupiter Beings wisdom. It is Their very nature.


Each successive interval represents an upgrade into higher consciousness with a concomitant shift physical body as well as our various subtle energy systems---but also, at every evolutionary threshold, there are many who are not ready to advance.
Restrained by past karma---conditioned patterns of thought, feeling, and action---they undergo an alternate process of development, passing through lower worlds.

In Steiner’s view, everything possesses awareness , at its own level, and continually develops new depths, or degrades into flightier forms, of consciousness. “To supersensible perception, there is no such thing as ‘unconsciousness,’ only various degrees of consciousness.
. Everything in the world is conscious,” he wrote. In the approaching Jupiter state, plants will attain a higher level of consciousness---shift from their current slumbering form which he equates with “dreamless sleep,” to a level of sentience similar to what humans now experience in dreams.