sam profile picture


the kind of kid that goes down chutes too narrow...

About Me

maker's neat.

My Interests

photography. indie-rock. hip hop. (nothing by anyone with a platnum grill.) films. the kenneth cole. theatre. (my homegirl, jesse, is the best in seattle.) vivace coffee is the best. sushi. makers mark. kissing. anything bellingham. chuckanut drive. phil peterson is the best musician i know...i don't know why i just thought about that...but he is. period. guitar. grace seattle. built to spill is the best band ever. the shins.

I'd like to meet:

that girl named sam (that's a great name) from garden state. how do you not want to meet someone who, after giving you the advice of 'kicking the dog in the balls' while it is going to town on your leg... in a doctor's waiting room... tells you to listen to a song by the shins?... "this song will change your life"....and had that andrew largeman not been on lithium..and a myriad of other drugs... he too would have been, seriously... i have already met the person that i would most like to meet.


BTS. bob dylan. the shins. classic rock. ambulance ltd. nada surf. blue scholars (best hip hop in seattle & one of the best lyricists ever). tribe. PE (number one). any blues musician with the last name "king". neko case. beck. rocky votolato. the new pornographers (they are even great w/out neko). the posies (the best pop band to come from geffen records - grunge era). J5. youth group. robert johnson. pedro the lion/headphones/david bazan. bjork. radiohead. jenny lewis. the lucksmiths. beck.


anything by: the coen brothers (excluding that horrible one with nick cage)... stanley kubrick... david lynch... quentin tarantino... the thin red line. pulp fiction. dancer in the dark. anything with peter sellers.


Arrested Development


any of those by: mark helprin. chaim potok. john irving. pete hamill.