Drawing on my find command of the English language I said nothing...
Drawing on my find command of the English language I said nothing...
Not wearing any socks. Owning cell phones. Painting things red. Not getting out of bed on Sundays and some Bank Holidays. Listening to Miles Davis' Kind Of Blue. Reading Vanity Fair on the back of the bus. Herding cattle through Union Station. Autopilot. The way your ears ring after a show. Extended Play. Team GMD. Boys with hair greying just on the sides. A mutual hatred of carrots. Autumnal Bliss. Breaking things only to put them back together again. Imperfection. Reading Lips. Boredom. Delaying the inevitable. Finding inspiration in random places. When Fascists move in next door. Crushes that give you butterflies. Words. The double entendre. Writing memoires with Tiffany - what are we on? 12?. Transatlantic flights. Hello, I'm in Delaware. Overcaffenation. Taj Cooper knows better. I know best. Writing magnetic poetry. Ecrire en francais comme Gabriel Roy. Snowflakes and coffee. Sundays. I've never been to the drive in - is that bizzare?. A walking bass line. Lets go to the park. Summer is almost over, can I wear my mucklucks yet? Making gold records with or without my pants on. Its not my fault, i'm from Canada. I once found myself at Loring Park and I had no idea where that was. The Minivan Majority rules the world. I just live here.
bonhomme de carnavale
when it sounds like ... broken hearts. old guitars that have been passed through the hands of generations of raging alcoholics. rural canadian towns. general malcontent. summer days on your back portch. all the boys i've loved before and some of the ones i've hated. wishing away hangovers on the sofa. missed opportunity. the places that scare me. your heart worn on your french cuff. kindergarden. scenesters turned hipsters turned gangsters.
Anything with Yule Brenner for obvious reasons.
Prison Break. Japanese Game Shows. Killing time when I can't sleep watching Cinema Verite. Mais il me confuse... Pour quoi que ce n'est pas en francais?!
101 Ways To Lead A Memoire-Worthy Life. By Miss A and Miss T. but in all seriousness... The Age of Spiritual Machines. The Cloud of Unknowing. Deaths and Entrances. The Bell Jar. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams. Mrs Dalloway. The Power of Myth. The Places That Scare You. Music for Chamelions. Breakfast at Tiffany's. The Rocking Horse Winner.
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