One should be careful as God counts a woman's tears. Woman came from man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior. but from his side to be equal, under his arm to be protected, and next to his heart to loved.
I'd like to meet God without remorse, regret or unfulfilled dreams in my heart and without my soul being to broken too mend at the end of the road. I'd like to meet a man who can make me smile from the inside out the way an old friend used too. I'd like to meet the real me when she's all grown up and has her shit together. I'd like to meet my son as a grown man with honor and integrity and spirituality that makes him as much a blessing to the rest of the world as he is to me.* *
Play on, play loud, play right, play for me.
The one of my life as it plays out each day.
Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Def Poetry, and Miami Inked
Vampires and Werewolves! Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series, Sookie Stackhouse Series, Stephanie Plum Series.My favorite authors include Laurell K. Hamilton, Janet Evanovich, Stephanie Meyer, Charlaine Harris, Maya Angelou and Franz KafkaSave The World - One Click At A Time!
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J.T., my dad's parents, my dad, my son, and Mark. A hero has honor and strength in the face of adversity. My heroes are real people who have done and/or are doing the best they can the only way they know how...Falto su sunriso mi amigo.