Allison Tartalia profile picture

Allison Tartalia

jazz-infused acoustic pop

About Me

Note: If you're a band and wish to be friends, please send me a note, and I'll friend you.
Allison Tartalia’s powerful and expressive performances have a way of charming audiences. The secret weapons: fearless honesty, a quirky sense of humor and an extraordinary flair for songwriting. Audiences have taken notice at festivals and venues around the country, and it is not unusual to see devoted fans singing along to her anthems of independence like Dorothy's Reply and Absolutely Fabulous. This versatile artist keeps listeners enthralled whether she’s taking things slow on the painfully honest ballad Advent of You, turning up the funk on Agree, or just sharing a funny tale from her life between songs.
A classically trained pianist and self-taught guitar player with a degree in theatre, Allison draws upon diverse influences to create her eclectic brand of jazz-infused acoustic pop. Her debut CD, Ready, was enthusiastically received by critics, and songs from the album received airplay on college and independent radio stations from coast to coast.
2007 has been a busy year for Tartalia, who frequently lends her keyboard talents to other singer-songwriters in the studio, and is currently composing the music for her first musical theatre collaboration with award-winning playwright Barbara Kahn. Tartalia is fast at work on her sophomore CD, tentatively titled Rage/Rapture, slated for release in 2007.
"Wonder of wonders, this native New Yorker's debut CD sounds legitimately more jazzy than folky--smack-dab in the Laura Nyro/Ricki Lee Jones/Sophie B. Hawkins lineage, complete with sax solos warm enough for Baker Street and titles that namecheck Ab Fab and Dorothy...Tell Auntie Em and Toto, too; Oz never did give nothin' to the tin man that he didn't already have." -- Chuck Eddy, The Village Voice
"Allison Tartalia [is] a singer with a sultry voice. . ." -- Marc Santora, The New York Times
“…a standout among female “confessional” singer/songwriters” -- Dale Johnson, Cincinnati CityBeat
". . . a bit edgy, often very fun, sometimes serious and beautiful and. . .stunningly good piano work. . . " Susanne Millsaps, KRCL, Salt Lake City, UT
"The label "singer-songwriter" doesn't fully grasp Allison Tartalia's worldly sound. It's not just guitars and emotional lyrics here. You'll hear a full range of eclectic noise during Tartalia's set at Chicks Rockfest this weekend - jazzy piano, rich percussion and clever lyrics delivered in the singer's commanding voice. Singer-songwriters are always more interesting when they add something extra - and Tartalia's got plenty of extras in her diverse sound." -- Kari Wethington, Cincinnati's CinWeekly

My Interests


Member Since: 12/17/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Allison Tartalia - piano, acoustic guitar, vocals
Mike McGinnis - sax, woodwinds
Mark Dodge - drums
Geoff Kraly - bass

Download songs from Allison's album "Ready" by clicking

View Allison Tartalia's Electronic Press Kit
Influences: Ani DiFranco, Ricki Lee Jones, Laura Nyro, Fiona Apple, Led Zeppelin, Meshell Ndegeocello, Genesis, Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, Dave Matthews Band, Indigo Girls, Tori Amos, Jon Brion, Imogen Heap, Rufus Wainwright, Miles Davis, Khachaturian, Beethoven, Bach, Kabalevsky
Sounds Like: "Rickie Lee Jones, a more carefree Fiona Apple, Sting's band fronted by Tori Amos" -- Cincinnati CityBeat, September 2005
Record Label: Make Haste! Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Where’s Allison aka latte with Waldo

Oh poor neglected blog. The past few months have been so busy that whenever people ask me what I'm up to I don't know how to answer them. It's really quite strange--as if my head is in so many place...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:35:00 PST

Yes--I was hacked...!

For those of who've received a lewd email from my account and are wondering whether my account was hacked, or if I'm merely gone insane and lost all sense of propriety, the answer is that my account w...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 04:46:00 PST

Thank You!

With six minutes to go before voting closes, I just want to thank everyone who took time to sign up at to vote for me! It really means a lot to me that you took time from your busy days to ...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 08:58:00 PST

Last chance to cast y our vote on!

Hello wonderful people!First off, thanks a ton to those of you who've already voted at At the moment, I'm #18. I'll need a lot more help to get in the top 4, so if you haven't voted yet,...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:12:00 PST

Please vote for me on

Hello friends!Just a note to let you know that I'm a Semi-Finalist in a contest being run by, a cool events/social networking site. What do I get if I win? A show at NYC's Canal Room, some...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:01:00 PST

Progress, Slowly but surely

Hope you all had a great long weekend! I spent my Saturday night at the Lower East Side Arts festival, which was a ton of fun, then spent Sunday demoing new material and Monday editing tracks for 191...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Wed, 30 May 2007 11:59:00 PST


I can't believe it's already been a week since the musical closed. I'd forgotten how sad it is when a theatre project ends. I think it's caused by a combination of having put months of work into a p...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 07:28:00 PST

1918: One More Week and Life in General

So we're 2 thirds of the way through the run of 1918. Last week was very strong--it felt like the show really hit its stride and the performances were well-attended. Sunday was an incredibly long d...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:57:00 PST

1918: Less than two weeks to go

OK. For starters, I have no idea why I just chose to put this post under the category of Dreams and the Supernatural. That said, I'm looking forward to getting a bit more shut-eye (and therefore som...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:23:00 PST

What's 1918 and what have I been up to?

hello again! i just updated my gigs and realized that there's no real explanation on my page of what 1918: a house divided is, or of what i've been up to lately.back in june, barbara kahn, a playwrig...
Posted by Allison Tartalia on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:06:00 PST