Lost is built on southern rock roots , death metal, and embodies all that is rock. The brotherhood of five is driven by dedication, emotion, and the power of opinion. Known for a hellatious stage presence, unorthodox melodies, and shear crowd control has captured the ears of a diverse crowd. "We release the rage in anybody!" stated Brandon CarverIn early 2000 Brandon Carver (vocals) found his vent in what you would call a dream, music! In the same year Brandon hooked up with Eric Bargas (rhythem guitarist) who is known for serious metal chords. Through family and friend, the two met Aaron Harrison (bass guitarist), who was on the verge of accepting failure. With the up and down vocals of Brandon, the power provided by Eric and the brilliant bass work from Aaron, it was set.Having found the foundation of what the band would inevidibly become. In 2005 the three finally met the back bone of their music in a 14 year old child prodigy on the drums with Chris Medellin. Lacking the thickness in their sound, their desires fell on the piercing guitar licks of Chris (Chicken) McMurrey. Finally they matured their own contribution to the metal under world. It was beautifully brutal, southern metal thats purely home grown. These five were finally LOST!!In late 2006 Lost met up with Jeff of Good night records. They recorded a 3 song EP that can have you replaying and begging for more.The Fort Worth grown, Lost is a southern metal powerhouse. Promising a satisfied packed crowd and a violently drawn in pit in any venue and any crowd. Lost strives to make each song they write sound different from the rest, but always combines melody, ferocity, and unity. Songs such as " Blood is the cure" that expresses a strong view on US foriegn policy that isolate and make this band what they are. With no lack of motivation and drive, Lost is all that is metal. Take one listen and you will get LOST!
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