Anima/animus in action.
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"What makes Cancer tenacious? The moon rules the fluids including the inner juices of human beings, that which assimilates and feeds the body. So the crab feeds his astral plane, assimilating and distributing all he receives slowly, until it becomes a part of him."
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"Why do we focus so intensely on our problems? What draws us to them?
Why are they so attractive? They have the magnet power of love:
somehow we desire our problems; we are in love with them much as we
want to get rid of them . . . Problems sustain us -- maybe that's why they
don't go away. What would a life be without them? Completely
tranquilized and loveless . . . There is a secret love hiding in each problem
. . . ."
- James Hillman, *The Essential James Hillman: A Blue Fire,* edited
by Thomas Moore
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"Understand how to manage the tension of opposites, and it will open doors to greater Spiritual evolution. Don't judge what feels bad from a narrow perspective - simply understand, use your emotional intelligence in different ways, and come to see how wrong use of force creates needless damage.
Antidote it all with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Self-Discipline. This is a time of quick, practical maturing, with untold possibilities available in fairly short time."
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Dragonfly and Exuvia.
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The unicorn is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful.
Jung writes, "We are already familiar with the unicorn as a symbol of Mercurius, the transforming substance par excellence which also ripens and perfects unripe or imperfect bodies and is consequently acclaimed in alchemy as the salvator and servator."
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December 9, 2007:
"The New Moon today falls in your 11th House of Long-Term Goals, leading you into the future by shining the light of your awareness onto your dreams. You are being guided now by your own inspiring thoughts. You have the potential to see things that were once hidden, but it will take a commitment. Keep your eyes open and stay focused on what's ahead rather than what's in your past."
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CLICK - December Geisha.
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Leo-Virgo cusp rising (2 degrees Virgo to be precise).
Aquarius sun, moon, and mercury.
Venus in Capricorn-Aquarius cusp (29 degrees Capricorn).
Ambitious Capricorn symbolizes the Mountain Goat that climbs to daring heights. This sure-footed creature makes vertical ascension look easy as it scampers up the side of a steep cliff. But its apparent agility is the result of skillful ability that is augmented by hard work.
Mars in Libra (balance).
Jupiter in Scorpio (a bit of bad girl...).
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What's up?
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CLICK - Hundreds of irresistable iridescent eyes fan the king's flames.
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CLICK - Ooh la la...
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CLICK - My solar, lunar, mercurial, and venusian opposite.
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The Lovers.
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CLICK - I see myself in it.
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"When you merge male and female, a whole new pattern is created. When you merge good and evil, there is neither good nor evil, but instead a kaleidoscopic, checkered wholeness. Merge all four and you get an indestructible, eternal, royal sphere.
It is this nuclear fusion of opposites which creates the new radiance within. The spirit becomes substantial- it becomes substance, and is now a radiant inner crystal, a glowing ball of inclusive continuity. This is the diamond body."
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This is the climax of time and space.
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It must have been a fun party.
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CLICK - Alien Soup Kitchen.
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Love materialized.
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They analyze to communicate and keep on analyzing. Double emphasis on the faculties of reasoning, abstraction, and exposition. The rational mind rules over intuition or passion, and the perseverance to achieve one’s own plans must come from other factors in the horoscope. The keyword is logos.
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Would Marilyn work out at Gold's in Venice?
I wouldn't know... I can't go there anymore.
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Read something enlightening.
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Thank you.
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I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4