Zee profile picture


God is good and Jesus is Lord!

About Me

A Muslim man from Nigeria came to the United States to seek a higher education. While there he fell in love with an American woman named Essie. They got married, and in 1975 had a child. They named him Abdul Aziz Peregrino-Brimah, which means "servant of the powerful, the mighty." Not very long after Aziz's birth, his father took his family back to Nigeria in hopes of starting a new life.
Things didn't go as planned though, because it wasn't long before Aziz's mother experienced a major culture shock. Not being able to adjust to the Islamic customs or her husband's way of living, she became very saddened and homesick, so she called her mother and told her she was coming home.
Aziz's parents divorced before he turned one year old.
Growing up without a father was only the beginning for Aziz. He would eventually experience many things - both good and bad - and have many questions about life that left him wanting to know who God was. His life became one filled with peer pressure, insecurities, fear, drinking, using and selling drugs, fears, depression and more. Aziz saw no hope for life, but he somehow knew that there had to be more to life. He believed that this could only be found through a relationship God.
During his freshman year at Winston-Salem State University, a depressed Aziz got on the floor in his dorm room and prayed this prayer:
"Dear God, I believe you exist. I believe that there is a heaven and a hell. I don't know you, but I want to know you. But there are too many religions in this world. Some say 'this is the way' and others say 'this is the way.' Who am I to say which is right? You created me, so I'm asking you to show me which way to go. From this day forward I am going to live how I want, and if I die and go to hell it will be your fault."
God heard Aziz's heartfelt prayer. Little did he know, but God had been working to save him all along - ever since he was born. Within the next year many things took place that opened Aziz's eyes to who Jesus Christ was, and in September of 1994, at the age of 19 he confessed Jesus as Lord of his life. Aziz was now a born-again Christian, and is at the present moment the only one on his father's side of the family who is not a Muslim.
Now after twelve years of knowing and serving the Lord, you have Zee - a seasoned Christian who has found out that above all other things, the only thing that truly matters is "where will you spend your life for eternity?"
Unlike many other artists, Zee has a unique way of painting pictures with his words that bring your heart and mind into the music. "The Lord led me to into the rap game because too many of his children have lost focus, and as a result, many souls are lost and left blind."
Zee believes that his music has the power to appeal to the saved as well as the unsaved. "People know when they're listening to someone who means what they say. That's what people are looking for. They're looking for someone to point them to truth. If they feel you have the truth, they will listen. I know I have the truth. Truth is a person, Jesus Christ."
His debut album, Livin' Proof, is set to drop September 11, 2006. "This is a very mature album. Yes, you can expect hot beats, dope lyrics and all of that, but just know that is only gravy on top of the meat. I'm talking about real issues on this album. Things close to people's hearts. There is something for just about everyone. Yeah, there are some tracks you can definitely jam to, but even with those, you're going to leave with something that will impact your life for today and tomorrow."
God has given Zee great favor with this album by locking down top notch production from 4Sight Sounds, Tony Stone, DJ Official, Maji, M-tegrity, Illuminaticx and Mac the Doulos.
Oh, why do they call him "Zee"? Simply put, it's just easier for people to say and remember. You saw his name, right?

My Interests


Member Since: 3/25/2006
Band Website: thezeesite.com
Band Members: Zee
Influences: Life
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Gay US Bishop Heckled in UK

This is soooo gangster for the Lord!  Let us all pray for boldness in this day and age - having NO FEAR of man!  Let God be true and EVERY man a lie!http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7504484.stm...
Posted by Zee on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 05:42:00 PST

I Got Pulled Over By A Highway Patrolman Today And Did NOTHING Wrong!

Okay, so I'm riding down the highway and am soon approaching the exit that leads to my home. I look in the left lane and a highway patrolman in a Chevy Tahoe passes me slightly, and then he slows up a...
Posted by Zee on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 03:09:00 PST

ZEE Goes International with Tehilla Radio (98.1 FM) Interview of Trinidad

What's up y'all. First of all, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the mother's out there!I wanted to share an interview that I did with Tehilla Radio 98.1FM of Trinidad a few weeks ago (I had not yet determ...
Posted by Zee on Sun, 11 May 2008 10:00:00 PST

Are You Struggling With Past Mistakes?

A few weeks ago I accidentally burned one of my wife's favorite pans - her 100% stainless steel Wolfgang Puck frying  pan!  No, I wasn't cooking with it.  I turned the wrong eye on when...
Posted by Zee on Sun, 04 May 2008 09:31:00 PST

ZEE Giving Away Albums for Free

Read all about it here: http://www.rapzilla.com/rz/content/view/804/1/...
Posted by Zee on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:21:00 PST

Interview on Flavor Radio Network

Flavor Radio Network (FRN) is an internet broadcasting station which stemmed out of the Flavor Alliance Media Group down in Tampa, FL.  They now have a new radio show called "Beat Lab 7 Presents...
Posted by Zee on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 01:11:00 PST

To Hell With That

It's timeout for religious thinking, doubt, fear and unbelief! ...
Posted by Zee on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 10:21:00 PST

FREE Album: "Preparation" by Mynista - GET IT NOW!

My brother and friend Mynista, aka "Docta Wuzdead," has just released a powerful project called "PREPARATION."  I encourage all of those who need a word from God and encouragment to face lifes is...
Posted by Zee on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:58:00 PST

Shoes (and clothes) for Only $8.95 Each

Write-up below photos!You read it right... Today I just bought five pair of shoes for $47 and some change.  Where?  Steve and Barry's, where EVERYTHING in the store is $8.95 or less.  T...
Posted by Zee on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 12:23:00 PST

Music Meets the Truth 2008

My boys over at Beatlab7 (Crucial and s.a.i.n.t. jon) have just put out a FREE ALBUM called "Music Meets the Truth 2008."  It's a compilation that features various artists such as Urban D, Import...
Posted by Zee on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 07:36:00 PST