Jim profile picture


A true wild American Indian. here 4 a good time and 2 B a friend so I can LoL with U

About Me

I like painting native life. Painting and drawing really didn't play an important role in my life throughout my childhood and teenage years. I found my passion for painting and drawing in 1997, after being tired of risking my life as an ironworker; walking the high steel. The genesis of my life as an artist unfolds here. I was searching for an occupation that would allow me to stay at home and be safe and still make ends meet. A desire to listen to my own voice and express myself through my paintings quickly became a passion."I have not had any formal art training, and have worked hard to develop my own style of expressing myself on paper and canvas. My paintings come from my heart. They are a contemporary expression of my subject matter, both through my choices of vibrant color and textures that I use. Color is a universal language that stirs up emotions and passion in all of us. It brings people the message of happiness, and I try to convey this message with the colors that I choose. I have always painted with a bright palette. While in the recent past I have used similar vibrant colors in my work, I feel it has been constantly evolving as I have strived to learn how to work with and layer these colors in more complex ways. I have found that the most fascinating aspect of painting is that the possibilities are endless and ever-changing.

My Interests

Art, artist, and sometimes WOMEN! heh-heh plus fast cars, the woods or desert for its peace and tranquility .creative art - Drawing, painting, and somtimes just nothing but peace.

I'd like to meet:

People that like to laugh and have a fun time. Also people that care about the american indian. It would be nice to meet other artist too. ..


What ever; just keep it down or i'll flip out. The Doors, the Animals, Canned heat, Marilyn Manson, Metalica and John Lee Hooker!!


yeah and popcorn; WITH BUTTER!!! Apocalypse Now, Vanishing Point, The Devils Rejects, Willie Wonka and the Chocalate Factory "Original Version


SAME THING Laying on the couch "yeah"


Bible and the free books i find. Ha Biographys of personal accounts of reality.


All the chiefs that fought them greedy people..Whites keep real history away from their people. They hide poverty, theft and murder from others. Instead of learning from the past and changing it, they create repetition by denying historical truths. Louie Louie

My Blog

Neal and shirley

Home > City & Region > Niagara County Man pleads guilty in theft of $199,000 Updated: 05/11/07 8:11 AM  LOCKPORT  A West Avenue man pleaded guilty Monday in Niagara County Court to st...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:57:00 PST


THE LIFE ON WINGS This life hid with Christ in God has many aspects, and can be considered under a great many different figures. One aspect has been a great help and inspiration to me. I think it may...
Posted by Jim on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:50:00 PST


Ghosts from the past still speak; "We did not ask you white men to come here. The Great Spirit gave us this country as a home. You had yours. We did not interfere with you. The Great Spirit gave ...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 09:52:00 PST

Reality check

"Once you accept your own death all of a sudden you are free to live. You no longer care about your reputation... you no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically - to promote a ca...
Posted by Jim on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:20:00 PST

Who we are

Name, meaning: The Tuscaroras call themselves, "Ska-ru-ren". It means "those of the Indian hemp" or "hemp gatherers" because they originally wore woven hemp shirts.Historical location: Virginia and No...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 11:40:00 PST