Art, artist, and sometimes WOMEN! heh-heh plus fast cars, the woods or desert for its peace and tranquility .creative art - Drawing, painting, and somtimes just nothing but peace.
People that like to laugh and have a fun time. Also people that care about the american indian. It would be nice to meet other artist too. ..
What ever; just keep it down or i'll flip out. The Doors, the Animals, Canned heat, Marilyn Manson, Metalica and John Lee Hooker!!
yeah and popcorn; WITH BUTTER!!! Apocalypse Now, Vanishing Point, The Devils Rejects, Willie Wonka and the Chocalate Factory "Original Version
SAME THING Laying on the couch "yeah"
Bible and the free books i find. Ha Biographys of personal accounts of reality.
All the chiefs that fought them greedy people..Whites keep real history away from their people. They hide poverty, theft and murder from others. Instead of learning from the past and changing it, they create repetition by denying historical truths. Louie Louie