I like playing pool, smoking a joint on the beach, girls whose daddies didn't pay too much attention to them. I like to laugh and to make others laugh with me..i believe that happiness comes not from accomplishing your dreams but following them...i don't like money but thats because i don't have any, or do i not have any because i don't like it? I have no idea..I like to argue both sides of an issue, all i know is that i dont KNOW anything, and anyone who claims to is selling something or insecure...although i kinda know alot...I beleive that we are all diferent episodes of the sitcom we call life...
anyone who knows more than me~!!!....there are too many to name!
From Ben Harper to Jay-Z and back again....
How much time you got?
Most Television sucks! Except for sports and HBO shows. But then again thats not TV its HBO!
I can't read fiction! I don't know why. I just can't get into it. Non-fiction is where its at. And philosophical books like The Power of Myth, The Prophet, The Alchemist and so on. Catcher in the Rye, and Franny and Zoey are really good but those are the only Fiction I've been able to finish.
My heros are everyone that goes out of their way to make someone smile.