Hanging out with friends, working out, writing, acting, and making films.I edited my profile with
<2kjsrO80a31X065=>Johnny Depp<5ojbI9B97CVik=>Colin Ferrell..Adam Sandler..Dave Matthews<4OuQYX1BYYa6r5vS6D=>and plenty more.
I like pretty much everything. Some of my favorites are Velvet Revolver <53x3dIJ4Y636U20Z=>Incubus ..little hip-hop, <90Vodqd5BCYC13ysH6==>old school G & R, ..Fall Out Boy ..My Chemical Romance ..The White Stripes <80h45hcrKsiQfhe24C=>Death Cab For Cutie ..Machine Gun ..The Killers <5pf04F60aDa5GkBsR=>So I go from Jack Johnson to 50 cent to Citzen Cope to Soiree (thats my Bro's band) and even to a little Country.
Friday ..Snatch ..Pirates of the Carribean <7OsTdq4cuAuo66K>Boondock Saints ..Wedding Crashers ..and all of Adam Sandler's movies. I'm shooting a movie called the Jailhouse starting Nov 4th. In the next year or two look for my friends movie Wooden Lake and my film The Maco Light. I just finished writing it and hopefully shooting it in the near future.
Entourage, Reno 911, Its always sunny in PA, Sportscenter, The Shield, The Office, My Name is Earl, Scrubs, Flight of the Conchords.