petesucks profile picture


I got 99 bitches but a problem aint one.

About Me

About me? Self indulgence? Im generally awesome. Im a photographer & graphic gesigner. I shoot mostly bands and misc shit, but models and events as well. For some reason, i rarely show my stuff. Its littered all over my apartment, but pretty much nowhere else besides flickr. So. My place is my gallery. I design all kinda shit from little faggy logos to websites, billboards, magazine ads etc. You've probably seen my stuff somewhere in some magazines, or some billboards throughout NY & NJ and not even known it. isnt that just the craziest f**king thing in the world like, ever??? OMG!! ROFL!! LOL!!! STD!!! HIV!!! MTV??........

Click this --- EyeKandyDesigns

Feel free to send me emails telling me how much my work sucks.

I like lots of stuff. Art, photography, music, shit like that. Anything creative i will pay attention to. In the winter all i do is snowboard as much as physically possible. In the summer i sweat alot.

My Interests

music, art and design, marketing and advertising, photography, snowboarding, food, life, oxygen, my 5 senses, and my nonsense, other stuff.

I take pictures of bands

And other stuff too

I'd like to meet:




lots of shit. a few : Face to Face, Nofx, , The Secret Machines, Foo Fighters, Sugarcult, Jimmy eat World, Butch Walker, M3, the Decendents, Radiohead,Deftones, Dre, Kravitz, Motion City Soundtrack, Muse, My Chem.Romance, Bloc Party, Pennywise, The Shore, Oasis, the Beatles, Snow Patrol, Muse, Sufjan Stevens, The Format, Something Corporate, Story Of the year, The Used, The Thermals, The verve pipe, Television, The Futureheads, Interpol, Yanni, Barney's Greatest Hits, Michael Bolton, John Tesh, Dione Warwick, Janet Jackson, THATS the good stuff...

Mostly whatever new shit i hear on SIRIUS.

RIP " the album "...i cant remember the last record i bought. they all suck. one song here, two songs there..why waste my money?

.............FUCK ALL TOP 40..............



ones with casts, and scripts, with good plots. The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy. Watch it..Over and over and over and over again.


THE SIMPSONS. DISCOVERY CHANNEL ( all of em ) The History Channel, VH1 Classics, CSI(the original..die David Caruso)..Lost(its an addiction)..Top Chef rules.


are those things that you fill your shelves up with so when people come over, you look all smart n shit...ive heard about those...(revised) that was my answer for a long time, now im finding myself reading more and more...Books kinda rule ya know?


My Dad.

My Blog

The Way Things Are....

Awesome.This is the way life is supposed to be. NC is great. Havent really made any friends yet, but its only been 6 days.My condo is ridiculous. Living in a building that won an award for the nicest ...
Posted by petesucks on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 05:42:00 PST

Looking back.

I was reading through my old posts, and saw that 2 years ago almost to the day, (june 20th 2004) i was laying in my bed in the middle of the day wondering where i would be today, and contimplating get...
Posted by petesucks on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 07:26:00 PST

here it is.......there it goes....

Can ya feel the excitement? CAN YA!!..didnt think so. Well its been a while, and i thought i would post an update for the 3 or 4 of you who will actually read this. Things have been pretty crazy over ...
Posted by petesucks on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 07:34:00 PST

What day is it?

I lose track easily. Each day seems to just seamlessly weave into the next. No one will read this im sure. But whatever. If you are reading this, yes, Im still alive. Im doing good. ish...finishing sc...
Posted by petesucks on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:53:00 PST

perfect lazyness..

being that its 430 in the afternoon, beautiful outside and a sunday, you would think that i would be out doing some sort of activity to take advantage of whatever..but, still laying in bed. wa...
Posted by petesucks on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


isnt that the sound you make when you get too much gas in your stomach and it escapes through your mouth??? BLLLLLooOOooOOooOOoGGggGGggGGGGG....
Posted by petesucks on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST