About me? Self indulgence? Im generally awesome. Im a photographer & graphic gesigner. I shoot mostly bands and misc shit, but models and events as well. For some reason, i rarely show my stuff. Its littered all over my apartment, but pretty much nowhere else besides flickr. So. My place is my gallery. I design all kinda shit from little faggy logos to websites, billboards, magazine ads etc. You've probably seen my stuff somewhere in some magazines, or some billboards throughout NY & NJ and not even known it. isnt that just the craziest f**king thing in the world like, ever??? OMG!! ROFL!! LOL!!! STD!!! HIV!!! MTV??........
Click this --- EyeKandyDesigns
Feel free to send me emails telling me how much my work sucks.
I like lots of stuff. Art, photography, music, shit like that. Anything creative i will pay attention to. In the winter all i do is snowboard as much as physically possible. In the summer i sweat alot.