JazzStar Enterprise, LLC Entertainment/Model Management...And IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Level *NOVA*
About Me
Hello to all myspace visitors!! I'm a Blessed and Highly Favored Individual who's very passionate about cleaning up the image that so many of our young ladies are falling into trying to be the next face in the Entertainment World. I've seen so many (to be polite) naked body parts all over this myspace engine. It's really surprising. This industry norm, has lead me to incorporate JazzStar Entertainment, a Entertainment/Model Management Company where inner beauty is the true virtue. When the inner is beautiful, The outer appearance will shine Beautiful. We have more to offer the industry than just our naked body parts. Now, don't get me wrong, because I graduated with a Biology degree and I think the physical body is beautiful and should be capture, but you all have seen the images that I am talking about, so lets not go there. I only want the best for you all, and I only want to portray you as Lovely Beautiful Stars. Ladies!!! There is another Way and It's JAZZSTAR ENTERPRISE. The official website will be up soon, so be on the look out because I'm only looking for those individuals who are ready to shine. Be Blessed in everything you do and remember ladies to always PLAY PRETTY!!!!!
Join the official professional network http://supernovas.ning.com/
My Interests
Favorite Movie of all time- A Low Down Dirty ShameFavorite Book- The Bible
TBN, MSMBC News, 106&Park, Girlfriends, and the Discovery Channel.
The only true Hero, Jesus our Lord and Savior!!!
My Blog
I have found out and I'm sure you all will agree with me when I say that being a Women is a hard Job within itself. We need an extra check or something. We take care of the house, the kids, ... Posted by JAZZSTAR ENTERPRISE on Sat, 26 May 2007 02:42:00 PST
You know what? Today I'm going to Celebrate Myself and I want you to pick a day and do the same. Celebrate YOU!!!!Because if you don't, then who will?
Thankyou Holy Spirit For Streng... Posted by JAZZSTAR ENTERPRISE on Mon, 28 May 2007 04:25:00 PST
Lady Wisdom Vs Lady Folly, You Decide!!!!!!!
I pray that God gives you understanding as you read and meditate on this word. Be Blessed!!!!!
Lady Wisdom ( proverbs 9:1-6)New Living Translation
Wisdom has built her spacious house with seven pillar... Posted by JAZZSTAR ENTERPRISE on Mon, 29 May 2006 08:52:00 PST
Homeless People, Lets Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If God puts certain things or people on you heart, it's for a reason. My Heart remains always on the homeless people. A lot of us, regardless of our backgrounds and social status don't really understa... Posted by JAZZSTAR ENTERPRISE on Sun, 21 May 2006 08:58:00 PST
When you see Purple Think Royalty
Purple is and will always be a color that is associated with Royalty. At JazzStar, there is a level of professionalism that stands lightyears above the rest. We will obtain much favor i... Posted by JAZZSTAR ENTERPRISE on Sat, 13 May 2006 07:33:00 PST
The Novas
NOVA's are Beautiful stars in the world that radiates with strong forces of positive energy that has that power to uplift individuals with just their presence. NOVA's are the graduated level of DIVA's... Posted by JAZZSTAR ENTERPRISE on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 07:07:00 PST