Mizrahi profile picture


Sometimes I'm really dressed up and it really turns me on.

About Me

All I want are high heels, high heels.
If I was a girl, I'd wear a lot of high heels;
high stiletto heels!
I have my own talk show. I opened my own clothing business in 1987. I also make jewerly, design shoes and a collection of coats. I've designed costumes for film, theatre, dance and opera.
I spend my free time sort of multi-task-relaxing. Like, I'll be playing solitaire while I watch the Food Network and pet my dog.
When I was a little kid I was like a female impersonator. I used to do Judy Garland impersonations, and Marlene Dietrich impersonations, Streisand impersonations. It was crazy. And I used to have this following in the community where I grew up, in Brooklyn. And I was this little freak. People used to stop me on the street, the same way they do now - "Oh, I love you, I think it's so funny that you can actually sound exactly like Dionne Warwick." This was before my voice changed, right? And it was always, "Oh, you're fabulous," but then, "Ha-ha, what a freak." That's what it was. And it feels the same now. Whenever anyone on the street says, "Oh, you're so great, I love your work," it always feels like they're with a gang of kids down the block, calling me a freak. It's this weird dynamic that has always existed in my life. So when people say, "Oh, you're this personality," that's what I've always been and always will be.

My Interests

I love my dog Harry!

I love cooking.
I love knitting.

I'd like to meet:

Angelina Jolie:
She's a mysterious, mysterious figure.

Joaquin Phoenix:
He's a very private guy. Also, he's creating a new kind of sexy leading man. To me, his face is new and might be legendary someday, because it has never existed, a face like that. Part Elvis, part this, part that... He's redefining what handsome and beautiful means to us, like the way Mick Jagger did. His face was very new and it became a sex symbol.

Paris Hilton:
She has a new-looking face. She's beautiful, but she's also controversial. I would love to talk to Paris Hilton, too.


When asked to make a list of your favorite music, it's very, very difficult, but of course any time I'm asked to do that I start the list with:
I think Petrouchka is one of the greatest things ever written. It just drives me crazy!
Symphony of Psalms is also one of my favorite pieces of music.


I'm sort of a big movie aficionado.
I like going to the movies a lot!
My favorite thing was Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix in Walk the Line.
I also loved Brokeback Mountain -- I loved the photography. And I thought that, you know -- what's his name, that blond actor? -- Heath Ledger. I thought he was remarkable in that movie, too.


The Food Network
Will & Grace
My Name is Earl
Jeopardy (I won once...)


The Adventures of Sandee the Supermodel


George Ballanchine:
His work is just so unbelievably exquisite. And it got better and better as he got older. Not the reverse, which is sometimes what happens. You think about the '30s and the '40s and the '50s - okay, that was mind-boggling. But then the '60s - Oh, my God! And even the '70s, even when he was almost dead, he was making these beautiful things. He's the one I think about more than any other artist or any other designer. Ballanchine had a passion for pleasing people. His passion for offering something up like a meal. It's like he needed to develop an audience because in his day he needed to get people there or he couldn't continue. It was a lot about ticket sales, I think.
Thank you Jeffrey Banks, Perry Ellis, and Calvin Klein for helping me out as a beginning designer.

My Blog

Jeopardy for ASPCA

Fashion Icon Plays Jeopardy for ASPCAIsaac Mizrahi names the ASPCA his beneficiary for his participation on Celebrity Jeopardy, scheduled to air Nov. 14.The ASPCA announced this week that Isaac Mizrah...
Posted by Mizrahi on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:22:00 PST