A Proud Member of the Following Organizations: The West Covina Chamber of Commerce PPA-Poker Players Alliance WPPI-Wedding and Portrait Photographers InternationalAlso on listed/featured on: www.bridalshowplace.net www.getmarried.com www.wedplan.net www.wppionline.com www.westcovinachamber.com www.decidio.com www.onewed.com
Everybody...I enjoy people!
Depeche Mode...80's Music...Okay, I pretty much like whatever is on the radio, and what gets me moving.... I like Linkin Park and Fall Out Boy...But I also like Rihanna, and Beyonce...and the list goes on....My taste for music is a as colorful as I am...I am an artist, a photographer...I see great things in what some people see as nothing... "Open your eyes to the beauty that surrounds you""See the world as if looking through the eyes of a child...be fulfilled with the wonder that is life..."I used to have every album out by Depeche Mode...Funny where life takes you..... Now...I just bought the new "Best of CD"....I love it! Sometimes old memories die hard...
My mother for raising us by herself, and my wonderful husband, for being my knight in shining in armor!!!!!!!!!!