BellaKarmaâ„¢ profile picture


What You Do...Comes Back To You...So Make It Beautiful!

About Me

Welcome to the Official BellaKarma MySpace Page!
Featured Charity
The Humane Society of The United States
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest and most powerful animal protection organization. Since 1954 they've been fighting to reduce suffering for animals and advocating for policies to protect them. They celebrate the human-animal bond, investigate and fight animal cruelty and abuse, work to enforce existing laws, and assist when disasters strike.
You can help them by becoming an animal advocate or donating through one of their many programs.
Featured Friend jj/Jamsay65/ARTISTS FOR PEACE..(c) I requested to "Friend" JJ in the early days of my return to MySpace - and have considered myself fortunate of his add approval ever since! He is literally and figuratively one of my most colorful MySpace friends! He unknowingly has helped me reevaluate why I am on What kind of individuals I want to befriend and what kind of friend I want to be. Whether it's his words, art or MySpace bulletins - his presence on MySpace makes me FEEL, THINK, and WANT TO DO SOMETHING POSITIVE.Discover what I mean.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

  • Aspiring & Inspiring Artists & Advocates!
  • Individuals Who Appreciate Creativity & Innovation!
  • Friends of!

  • I'm Also A Contributing Writer For This Helpful & Hopeful Organization!
    Please Read Before Requesting To Be Added:
  • My MySpace Page is not a Garbage Pail Kids card you collect! If you request to be added as a Friend, drop me a note along with your request or comment once your request has been accepted. I like to know who my Friends are! I'm a clean-freak, I'll clean house if I don't hear from you in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Usually I will not approve Bands or Brands that I do not know personally/am a fan of.

  • Disclaimers
  • I cannot vouch for the validity of the celebrities on my Friends List.
  • The charities on my Friends List is to bring awareness to the CAUSE. I urge you to visit their OFFICIAL web sites when donating money.
  • The opinions expressed on my Friend's Myspaces are not necessarily those of

  • Contact Box Generated at

    My Blog

    Auction A Success For Artists Against AIDS!

    Thanks For Giving! Presents:An Auction BenefittingARTISTS AGAINST AIDS!In True BellaKarma Fashion,All Proceeds Will Be Donated To:AIDS Walk Los Angeles Team 6125ARTISTS AGAINST AIDS!Putt...
    Posted by BellaKarma" on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 02:47:00 PST

    Compassion a la Carte!

    Think back to what you bought last week at the grocery store.6-pack of Diet Pepsi? King-sized Snicker?How 'bout that extra burrito from Taco Bell you didn't end up eating?And what gives with that Vent...
    Posted by BellaKarma" on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:00:00 PST

    Out of Sight, Out of Mind

    Remember the first time you heard the acronym AIDS?For me, it was over 20 years ago. I started hearing snippets about the disease on the evening news. One day at school, a classmate was hit by a car i...
    Posted by BellaKarma" on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:41:00 PST