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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a Freelance Lighting Technician Based in Cornwall.I work in Club 2K In Penzance doing the lighting and looking after the rig and changing it and operating on club nights and live nights I work at StIves Theatre as a Lighting Technician / Designer. I do all the shows and Concerts that come to the theatre.I also do all the lighting for the kidz r us shows.I also do some work with my mate who has started his own sound and lighting company called NINETWENTYFIVE productions, lighting and sound, Which is based in Penzance.I Also used to work at Butlins MineheadI Love doing my job as i get to meet lots of new People and i really enjoy doing it. :)

My Interests

I am really intrested in my job and hope to become a great lighting technician and get to work on Big shows and even outdoor gigs, (like Glastonbury)

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet lots of people who i would get on with really well............ or even someone special!


I Like a lot of rock and dance music. I also listen to Musicals depending on what mood im in or if im working on a musical show, trying to learn the show.


I like a lot of action films,i also Think Human Traffic is Great!


I don't watch that much tv, due to family hogging it.


Lee Evans, Bill Bailey, Jethro, and other comedians. I Love comedy films, standups and other really funny live stage stuff.