Carrie profile picture


ImageBlitz Entertainment

About Me

I work in the biz!I own and have developed ImageBlitz Entertainment an independent consulting, production and financing company that uniquely blends media financing and venture capital through the means of traditional and non-traditional channels in order to raise funds for production and distribution for independent production companies. I began my media career in 1992 developing shows for Fortune 500 companies which allowed them an opportunity to air their new technology, flag ship products or services on Discovery. I have a diverse background from ownership for 12 years in my Distributor Marketing business to producing national television programs on CBS, Fox, HBO, and Discovery, informercials, commercials, reality shows and documentaries. My creative approach and enthusiasm, knowledge of production, marketing and team spirit has helped grow The Way of Martial Arts a global tv series for the martial arts industry. I am always open to network with anyone in the biz the open door policy is a way of life for me. I see all as one!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

All types of interest! Will try anything once if I like I will make it a habit

I'd like to meet:

Anyone! We need many friends to make us grow and develop! However, anyone associated with the biz actors, directors, producers, VC companies, high NetWorth individuals that want to minimize investment with high ROI, attorneys, anyone professional in the biz!


All Types....Jazz, Rock, R&B, Rapp, Disco...etc...I appreciate all musicians styles! We all dance to a different beat! Evanescence Lyrics Evanescence Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by


WOW! Too many to mention!


WoW! Too many to mention!


Spiritual and educational Books! Alway open to learning!

Heroes: only supply!

My Blog

Reading Across America Program (RAAP)

  Hi Friends and Business Associates:   I recently involved myself as the Project Manager/State of Georgia for the RAAP Program (Reading Across America Program) which is part of a nationa...
Posted by Carrie on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 09:16:00 PST